That New Baby: An Open Family Book for Parents and Children Together 在线电子书 pdf 下载 txt下载 epub 下载 mobi 下载 2024

That New Baby: An Open Family Book for Parents and Children Together

Sara Bonnett Stein 作者
Walker & Company
Nov-83 出版日期
47 页数
15.00 价格
9780802772275 图书编码

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That New Baby: An Open Family Book for Parents and Children Together 在线电子书 图书描述

When your child was a baby, you took him t0i<br > to have him immunized for childhood illness~<br > tions hurt a little, but you knew they wouldp~<br > body to cope with far more serious threats inl~<br > there are other threats as painful and destruct~<br > child s growth as physical illness: Separati0n~<br > ents, a death in the family, a new baby, fears am<br > of his own imagining that hurt as much as pai~<br >These Open Family Books are to help adults p~<br > dren for common hurts of childhood.<br > Caring adults try to protect their child from diff<br >events. But still that child has ears that overhea<br >read the faces of adults around him. If people az<br >knows it. If people are worried, he knows it. Ifl~<br >angry, he knows that too.<br >What he doesn t know-if no one tells him-isth<br >story. In his attempts to make sense of what is<br >around him, he fills in the fragments he has n0~<br >fantasied explanations of his own which, becaui<br >child, are often more frightening than the truth,<br > !:<br >We protect children because we know them t0lbi<br >more easily damaged than ourselves. But the dii<br >we sense is not widely understood. Children areI<br >damaged because they cannot make distincti0~<br >between what is real and what is unreal, what ~i<br >what is logic. The tiger under a child s bed atnij<br >as real to him as the tiger in the zoo. When hel~<br >thing, he believes his wish can make the bad th~<br >pen. His fearful imagining about what is going1<br >him because he has no way to test the truth 0fit<br >It is the job of parents to support and explain re~<br >guide a child toward the truth even if it is painh<br >may be small, just as a dose of vaccine is adjus~<br >smallness of a baby; but even if it is a little ata~<br >only straightforwardness that gives childrenth<br >strength to deal with things not as they imagine<br >but as they are.<br >To do that, parents need to understand what s0~<br >fantasies, misunderstandings are common t0ea<br >hood-what they might expect at three years old<br >or seven. They need simpler ways to explain th~<br >

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