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I wonder why

Ruth S Hummel 作者
Concordia Pub. House
1982 出版日期
32 页数
60.00 价格
9780570084761 图书编码

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Editor s Foreword<br > This book is one of a series of six published rates and in interest levels, parents and other<br >under the auspi~s of the Board for Parish Services cancer ned aduRa will want to preview each book in<br >of The Lutheran Church--Missouri Synod through the Series, directing the child to tho next graded<br >its FamSy Life Department. b~k when he/she is ready for it,<br > Otherb~ksintbeSeriesare:Ea~hOneSpecial In addiBon to reading each book, you can use<br >ly (ages 3-5); How You Got To Be You (ages 811): them as starting points for casual conversation<br >TheNewYou(agesll-14);LordOfLife, LordOf and when answering other questlons a child might<br >Me (ages 14+); and Sexuality: Godk Precious C~]t have<br >To Par~ts A ud Children. Thls book can also be used as a rain bunit or as<br > As the title suggests, the last b~k is designed part of another course of study in a Christian<br >for adults, to help them deal with their own seh~lsetting.(Correlatedfilmstripsareavailable<br >sexuality, as well as provide practical assistance for curricular use ) Whenever the book is used in a<br >for married and slngle parents in their role as sex class setting, it s important t~ let the parents know<br >educators in the home, beforehand, since they have the prime responsibi-<br > I Wonder Why is the second b~k in the Series, lily for the sex education of their children.<br >]t is written especially for children of ages 6--8 While parents will appreciate the help of the<br >and. of course, for thoparents, teachersandother school, they will want to know what is being<br >significant grownups who will read the book to taught. As Christian home and school work to-<br >and with the child, gethor. Christian values in sex education can be<br > Like its predecessor, the new Concordia Sex more effectively strengthened,<br >Education Series provides information about the Frederick J, Hofmeister, M,D., FACOG Wau-<br >racial-psychological and physiological aspects of watosa, Wisconsin served as Medical Adviser for<br >human sexuality. But more: It does so from a the Series.<br >distinctively Christian point of view, in the context Rev. Ronaid W. Brusius. Secretary of Family<br >of our relationship to the God who created us and Life Education/Board for Parish Services, served<br >who redeemed us in Jesus Christ as chief subject matter consultant.<br > The Series pre~nts sex as another good gift In addition to the staffs of the Board for Parish<br >from God which is to be used responsibly, Services and Concordia Publishing House, the<br > Each hook in the Series is graded--in vocabu- following special consultants helped conceptualize<br >lary and in the amount of information it provides, the Series: Darlene Armbruster. Betty Brusius.<br >ltanswersthequestianswhichpersonsateachage Margaret Gaulke. Priscilla Henkebnan, Lee<br >level typically ~k, Hovel Robert Miles, Margaret Noettl and Rex<br > Because children vary widely in their growth Spicer.<br > Earl H GaMke<br >"

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