Weight Watchers Party and Holiday Cookbook 在線電子書 pdf 下載 txt下載 epub 下載 mobi 下載 2024

Weight Watchers Party and Holiday Cookbook

Jean Nidetch 作者
1982-5 出版日期
374 頁數
80.00 價格
9780452253247 圖書編碼

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Weight Watchers Party and Holiday Cookbook 在線電子書 圖書描述




People are entertaining at home more than they have for many years,rind

most parties involve a meal. j

There are several reasons for this increase in dining at home./One is

the growing interest in foodIspecifieally, food that is well-prepat~ed and

nutritious. Another is that a meal prepared at home is invariably less ex-

pensive-and often far better--than a comparable meal served in a

restaurant. Then, too, home entertaining has become simplified in recent

years. Modern appliances and utensils have made food preparation easier,

and many of the formal rules for dining have fallen by the wayside. People

now feel free to entertain in the style that suits them best. For some, this

means casual one-dish suppers. For others, it means elaborate multi-course

dinner parties or meals that show off an international culinary skill.

Still another trend is to entertain year-round, thus lessening some of the

rush that always occurs during the holiday season. People have discovered

the pleasure and ease of having friends over whenever the mood.strikcs.

The Party and Holiday Cookbook offers a multitude of recipes orga-

nized into individual menus appropriate for each of the twelve months of the

year. There are suggestions for morning, midday, and eveningmeals, and

international cuisines are highlighted throughout.


We felt it was especially important to present menus rather than indi-

vidual dishes. While most cooks have a few special dishes that they pre-

pare extremely well, the prospect of planning and preparing an entire

menu can often be mind-boggling. Inspiration flies out the window the

minute menus are mentioned, yet menus are really just meals.

Admittedly~ menus can be tricky. Planning a successful one is a bit like

juggling three different kinds of fruit with one hand, since a good menu

balances a variety of aromas, tastes, textures, and colors. Weight Watchers

professional Chefs are the first to admit that it takes years of experience to

master menu planning and meal preparation, and that is iust what a suc-

cessful dinner party is all about.

In The Party and Holiday Cookbook, Weight Watchers chefs and home

economists have provided an abundance of ideas for successful enter-

taining. Preparing a meal for family and friends can be a most satisfying

activity. It combines the challenge of cooking and the creative efforts of


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