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Strategies for Successful Writing

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Strategies for Successful Writing 在線電子書 圖書描述

Why write? Hasn t the tempest of technology swept all of us into a brave new

electronic world? Aren t its telephones, portable cassette recorders, and com-

puter networks--all the magical devices of our new electronic estateIfast

dooming ordinary writing? Not long ago, some people thought and said so,

but events haven t supported those predictions. Although electronic devices

have made some writing unnecessary, the written word tlourishes both on

campus and in the world of work. Furthermore, there s every evidence that

writing will become even more important in the future.

Writing offers very real advantages to both writers and readers:

1. It provides a permanent record of thoughts, actions, and decisions.

2. It makes communications more precise and effective.

3. It saves the reader s time; we absorb information more swiftly when we read it

than when we hear it.

Many people will expect you to write for them. College instructors ask

you to write reports, term papers, and essay exams. Job hunting usually re-

quires you to write application letters. And once you re hired, writing will

probably figure in your duties. Science, engineering, business, and law cer-

tainly require frequent writing, but so do other occupations. If you work as a

police officer, you ll be expected to file a report on every accident and crime

you investigate. Similarly, if your field is public health, reporting on the in-

spections you have carried out and the tests you have performed will be an

important part of your duties. And if you re an elementary school teacher,

y0u ll need to maintain records of your students progress. The ability to write

will earn you better grades, help you get the job you want, and speed your

advancement afterwards.

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