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This Study Guide is designed to help you read and un- 5. Selected hints and tips are given for each chapter to<br >derstand Campbell R. McConnell and Stanley L. Brue s help you master the material and to make connections<br >textbook, Economics, Thirteenth Edition. If used prop- with any previous discussion of a topic.<br >erly, a guide can be a great aid to you in what is probably The next six sections of the Study Guide allow you to<br >your first course in economics, self-test your understanding of the chapter material.<br > No one pretends that the study of economics is easy, 6. Fill-in questions (short-answer and list questions)<br >but it can be made easier. Of course a study guide will not help you to learn and remember the important general-<br >do your work for you, and its use is no substitute for read- izations and facts in the chapter.<br >ing the text. You must be willing to read the text, spend 7. True-false questions can be used to test your un-<br >time on the subject, and work at learning if you wish to un- derstanding of the material in the chapter.<br >derstand economics. 8. Multiple-choice questions also give you a chance<br > Many students do read their text and work hard on their to check your knowledge of the chapter content and to<br >economics course and still fail to learn the subject. This is prepare for this type of course examination.<br >because principles of economics is a new subject for 9. Problems assist you in learning and understanding<br >them, and they have had no previous experience in learn- economic concepts by requiring different skills--drawing<br >ing economics. They want to learn but do not know just a graph, completing a table, or finding relationships--to<br >how to go about it. Here is where the Study Guide can solve the problems.<br >help. Let us first see what the Study Guide contains and 10. Short answer and essay questions can be used<br >then how to use it. to test yourself, to identify important questions in the chap-<br > ter, and to prepare for examinations.<br > 11. Answers to fill-in questions, to the problems and<br >~ WHAT THE STUDY GUIDE IS projects, to true-false questions, and to the multiple-choice<br > questions are found at the end of each chapter. You are<br >The Study Guide contains forty chapters---one for each also given the references to the specific pages in the text-<br >chapter in the text and a glossary. Each Study Guide book for each true-false, multiple-choice, and short answer<br >chapter has eleven sections. The first five sections identify or essay question.<br >and explain the basic content and concepts in each chapter.<br > 1. An introduction explains what is in the chapter of the<br >text and how it is related to material in earlier and later ~ HOW TO STUDY AND LEARN<br >chapters. It points out topics to which you should give spe- WITH THE HELP OF THE STUDY GUIDE<br >cial attention, and reemphasizes difficult or important prin-<br >ciples and facts. 1. Read and outline. For best results, quickly read the in-<br > 2. A checklisttells you the things you should be able to troduction, outline, list of terms, and checklist in the Study<br >do when you have finished the chapter. Guide before you read the chapter in the text. Then read<br > 3. A chapter outline shows how the chapter is orga- the chapter in the text slowly and keep one eye on the<br >nized and summarizes briefly the essential points made in Study Guide outline and the list of terms. The outline con-<br >the chapter, tains only the major points in the chapter. Highlight the<br > 4. A list of the important terms found in the chapter chapter as you read it by identifying the major and the<br >points out what you must be able to define in order to minor points and by placing outline numbers or letters<br > understand the material in the chapter. A definition of each (such as I or A or 1 or a) in the margins. Circle the impor-<br > of these terms will be found in the glossary at the end of tant terms. When you have completed the chapter, you<br >the Study Guide. will have the chapter outlined and it will give you a set of<br >
Study Guide to Accompany McConnell and Brue Economics 在线电子书 pdf 下载 txt下载 epub 下载 mobi 下载 2025