An American family in Moscow 在线电子书 图书标签:
An American family in Moscow 在线电子书 pdf 下载 txt下载 epub 下载 mobi 下载 2025
¡¢¡¢¡¯hal¡¢¡¯ould it be like for an American famiI¡¢-<br > {¡§li¡¢e in RuSSia?¡¢¡¢¡¯hat are the realities t¡¯r<br > ¡§¡¢inZ jU a COUntr3 SO often depicted as harsh<br > £ºInd clleerless£¬under constant scrutin¡¢b¡¢police<br > ¡°nd part)0mcials?And how would a famib<br > make ne¡¢¡¯friends and in¡¢olve itself directl3 jn<br > the c¡¢eryda)¡¯Iife of a nation radiealh difierent<br > l_rom its OM,¡¯n?<br > £¬4n£®4merican Family in MOSCOW recreates the<br > experiences shared bv Leona and Jerrold<br > Schecter and their children while Schecter H-as<br > stationed with Time magazine¡¯S Moscow Bureau<br > from 1968 to 1970£®Unlike many foreign families<br > sta)+ing temporarily in Moscow£®the Schecters<br > made evcry attempt to blend themselves as<br > much as possible jnto Iire in the Russian capital£® 7<br > and confront the extraordinary demands and<br > difficulties imposed by the state on all foreigners<br > as well as Soviet citizens£®<br > Initially drawn to the assignment by his<br > desire to understand the workings of Com£®<br >munist power£¬Jerry Schecter struggled daily ¡¤<br >with the problems of reporting crucial events<br >(such as the invasion of CzechOslovakja£®the<br > harassment of Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn£®and the<br > state¡¯S crackdown on Jewish emigration)<br >under severe restraints on the traveI of corres£®<br >pondents£¬the dangerous use of¡°unoÏÎcial¡±<br >sources and possession of semizdat writings£¬<br >and the threat of expulsion£®For Leona£®the<br > Soviet Union¡¯S¡°pressure cooker Iife¡¯¡¯meant<br > trying to overcome the fear and suspicion<br > ingrained in almost every neighbor or acquaint£®<br >ance£¬shopping in understocked stores that<br > accepted only rubles or coupons£¬and adjusting<br > to a country that seemed¡®¡®physically and<br > spiritually at world¡¯S end£®¡¯¡¯For the Schecter<br > children£¬alI of whom attended state schools£®<br >Soviet education involved learning within a<br > rigidly structured£¬ideology¡¤based s]fstem in<br > which they were the¡°outsiders£® ¡¯<br > In AÔÙAmerican Family in Moscow£®each<br >
An American family in Moscow 在线电子书 pdf 下载 txt下载 epub 下载 mobi 下载 2025