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The Age of Energy: Varieties of American Experience, 1865-1915

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The Age of Energy: Varieties of American Experience, 1865-1915 在線電子書 圖書描述

inS BOOK is written to a thesis or at least on a theme, l have read<br > innumerable books and articles ranging from general surveys to<br >special monographs, all having to do with American development<br >from 1865 to 1915--that is to say, from our emergence out of the<br >mingled stupidity and glory of the Civil War to our somewhat reluc-<br >tant entrance into what used to be called the Great War. For us the<br >sinking of the Lusitania in 1915 made participation in it inevitable.<br >We came out of the Civil War a great military and economic power,<br >strong, unpredictable, and parochial. Then on the whole we turned<br >our gaze inward under a succession of presidents who at the best<br >were high-class mediocrities and at the worst U. S. Grant. Eventually<br >William McKinley, a mediocrity also but (save for Benjamin Harri-<br >son) the only chief magistrate in the period distinguished for exces-<br >sive piety, proved to be both religious and indecisive. Under him we<br >stumbled overtly into imperialism, and under Theodore Roosevelt<br >we discovered we were a great world nation, a potent member of the<br >concert (unfortunate term) of the Great Powers. The difficulty with<br >most of the literature dealing with these fifty years, so far as l have<br >read it, is that it does not for the most part address itself to any gov-<br >erning philosophic concept.<br > We became industrialized. We undertook, and almost wrecked our-<br >selves on, a series of fatuous policies for the post-helium South. We<br > passed in literature b-ona the standard classical American authors,<br > mainly romantic, to another set of writers who afterward became<br > standard--such as Henry .James, William Dean Howells, and Mark<br > Twain--men who as often "Europeanized" as not, who essentially<br > abandoned the older doctrine that American writing should be<br >

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