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Oksana Baiul

Linda Shaughnessy 作者
1997-10 出版日期
64 頁數
45.00 價格
9780382394485 圖書編碼

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Oksana Baiul 在線電子書 圖書描述

For Eleanor Shaughnessy,<br > who, on top of everything else,<br > watches skating with me<br >Acknowledgments Photo Credits<br >I thank the following people for helping to make this book. Front cover: Allsport/Anton Want: t.l. The Hartford<br >Elise Feeley from Forbes Library and Celia Ann Roberts from Courant/Brad Clift: t.r. Barb McCutcheon: b.<br >Simsbury Public Library. Allsport/Anton Want: 21. AP/Wide World Photos: 24, 35, 41<br >Barbara McCutcheon and Pat Berry of Sports Illicstrated For Kids 50; Greg Gibson: 43; Pavel Horejsd: 25; Denis Paquin: 15.<br >Online and Pat Weber and H. Kermit Jackson of American The Boston Globe/Tom Herde: 47. Sheila Foley: 31. The<br >Skating World. Hartford Courant/Bmd Clift: 4; Stephen Dunn: 45; Michael<br >Director and coach Bob Young and the International Skating McAndrews: 56. Barb McCutcheon: 18, 34, 37, 40, 53, 54, 59<br >Center of Connecticut. Photoreporters, Inc.: 6. Lois Yuen: 9, 27, 52. Glossary<br >Sheila Foley, Lois Yuen, and Barb McCutcheon for special Illustrations: ~ 1998 David Uhl Studios; Ice Backgrounds ~<br >photo assistance. 1998 Bruce Bennet Studios<br >Sandra Loosemore for her World Wide Web window into the Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data<br >skating world; Vikram, Monica, and Debby for video support; 8haughnessy, Linda.<br >and the rec.sport skating newsgroup. Oksana Biaub rhapsody on ice/by Linda<br >For sharing their words: American Skating World, the Boston Shaughnessy.--lst ed.<br >Globe, the Hartford Courant, the Sporting News, Maclean s p. cm.--(Figure skaters)<br >magazine, People magazine, Sports Illustrated For Kids, Sports Includes bibliographical references (p.) and index.<br >Illustrated For Kids (~lline, Barb McCutcheon, and the Summary: A biography of the young Ukrainian figure<br >following sources for specific quotes, skater who won a gold medal at the 1994 Winter Olympics<br >Page 52, Blades On Ice, Jan/Feb 1996, "The Gold<br >Championships," Pat and Dorothy Knoell. ISBN 0-382-39448-8 (lsb). -- ISBN 0-382-39449-6 (scr<br >Page 8, quotes courtesy of seventeen magazine and Susan 1. Baiul; Oksana, 1977 or -8 --Juvenile literature.<br >Swimmer, writer. 2. Skaters--Ukraine---Biography--Juvenile literature.<br >Pages 11, 14, 33, T~me ~1994 Time Inc. Reprinted by [1. Baiul, Oksana 1977 or -8 2. Ice skaters.<br >permission. 3. Women--Biography.] 1. Title. 11. Series.<br >Page 36, Life magazine ~1994 Time Inc. Reprinted with GV850.B35S53 1998<br >permission. 796.322 092----dc20<br >Page 57, Ross Atkin ~1995 The Christian Science Monitor. [B] 96-25083<br >Page 17, Copyright ~1993 by The New York Times Company. Copyright ~1998 by Linda Shaughnessy<br >Reprinted by permission.<br >Pages 16, 20, 26, 29, 31, quotes are reprinted courtesy of Cover and book design by Michelle Farinella<br >SPORTS ILLUSTRATED from the 3/22/93 and 2/7/94 issues. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced<br >Copyright ~1993 Time lnc. "Teen Ice Queen" by EM. Swift; or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or<br >~1994 Time Inc. "Window on the World" by E.M Swift. All mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any<br >rights reserved, information storage and retrieval system, without permission<br >Carol Wets, Elaine Streeter, Nancy S. Carpenter, and the in writing from the Publisher.<br >Harfield writing group. ~ Published by Crestwood House<br >Peter, Brian and Kcely, Eleanor, and Morn and Dad, who have~ A Division of Simon & Schuster<br >endured and assisted, each m his or her own way. 299 Jefferson Road, Parsippany, NJ 07054<br > First Fa lit ion<br > Printed in the United States of America<br > 1098765432 1<br >

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