Perspectives in alcohol and drug abuse 在线电子书 图书标签:
Perspectives in alcohol and drug abuse 在线电子书 pdf 下载 txt下载 epub 下载 mobi 下载 2025
INTRODUCTION<br > The use, misuse, and abuse of psychoactive chemicals in one forte<br >or another has been present in almost all societies since the beginnin~<br >of recorded civilization. These chemicals, called {among other things ,<br >spirits, tonics, medication, drugs, or substances of abuse, have beer<br >widely used in a variety of religious, experimental, medical, and social<br >contexts. By and large, they have been used effectively and accom<br >plished the purpose for which they were intended, for example, the<br >relief of pain or anxiety; the induction of relaxation and sleep; an intox.<br >ication euphoria; or the development of an altered state of con.<br >sciousness for religious or experimental purposes.<br > Since the turn of the century, and especially within the past 2~<br >years, there has been a rapid proliferation of synthetic and semisyn<br >thetic psychoactive substances used, the numbers of people usin~<br >them, and the variety of usage patterns, particularly multiple ol<br >polydrug use and abuse. All of this has led to a phenomenology ol<br >chemical use that is particularly complex. Attempts to simplify il<br >through unifying concepts or sweeping generalizations tend to increase<br >the misconceptions and confusion.<br > Inconsistency and lack of clarity also exist in the use of ter-<br >minology. For example, drug abuse for some people means only opiate<br >addiction, whereas for others it is opiate addiction and the use of so.<br >called "soft" drugs. For still others, it encompasses any substance thai<br >has abuse potential, including alcohol. For many who would like to see<br >a unification of programs and services, the generic concept of chemical<br >dependence or substance abuse has replaced the drug-specific concepl<br >of alcoholism or opiate addiction. For others, the one-drug-one.<br >problem concept has persisted. This may be difficult to justify in light<br >of recent evidence that polydrug, rather than monodrug, abuse ha.,<br >become an important pattern of usage, particularly in terms ot<br >emergency room visits (see Chapter 5}. Confusion also occurs because<br >substantive issues often become tainted with an emotionality thai<br >blurs objectivity. This is particularly important since funding fol<br >research, treatment, prevention, and training for both alcoholism and<br >drug abuse often comes from the same limited budget.<br > Another factor that has obscured clarity in these areas is the lack ot<br >a theoretical framework for understanding the dynamic process<br >of alcohol or drug dependency. For example, a moral model in which<br >alcohol and other drugs are either good or bad; a judicial model in<br >which they are legal or illegal; or a purely biomedical model in which<br >alcoholism may be a disease but sedative-hypnotic abuse is not, are all<br >of little assistance. Attempts to correlate specific personality types<br >with a oarticular drue nf abuse alsn has nnt nrnven very fruitful, since<br >
Perspectives in alcohol and drug abuse 在线电子书 pdf 下载 txt下载 epub 下载 mobi 下载 2025