Jump into jazz: A primer for the beginning jazz dance student 在线电子书 图书标签:
Jump into jazz: A primer for the beginning jazz dance student 在线电子书 pdf 下载 txt下载 epub 下载 mobi 下载 2025
Preface<br >Increased concern for personal fitness and a ate dance attire, class etiquette, and tim basic struc-<br > growing appreciation of dance have combined to [ure of a class. Our introduction to jazz dance<br > enhaneethepopularityofjazzdance classes.These continues with chapters on (lance posture, banet<br > classes are now offered at four-year universities, for the jazz dancer, and basic jazz dance. Tile chap-<br > community colleges, adult schools, recreation cen- tel on dance posture defines correct posture and<br > ,ters, and health spas. presents a series of easy-to-do posture exercises.<br > The appeal of jazz dance stems from its involve- The ballet chapter explains basic ballet movements<br > ment with energy: It is energy in motion, vital and used in the jazz dance class and important ballet<br > Oibrant. Jazz .dance movements can be sharp or techniques. A detailed exposition of a widely ac-<br > smooth, quick or slow, exaggerated or subtle. Jazz cepted iazz dance vocabulary follows, including<br > dance ~anbe expansive leaps or contained turns, warm-ups, isolations, and locomotor moveinents<br > ,its movements can be performed to a wide range specific to the style of jazz dance.<br > of music, in a variety of moods. To help tile student put these basics together<br > Jazzisanexcilingform of dance that can capture and dance, the succeeding chapters discuss basic<br > yourbedy, heart, and soul. It can create in you a music theory as it applies to dance; tile importance<br > desireio knowmore about its nlovements, dyalanl- of space, dynamics, and proiection as a me,ms of<br > ics, slyles, and history, creating variety ill dance; and several dance tom-<br > Although interest and participation in jazz dance binations for home or classroom study.<br > have rapidly increased, information regarding the Dance is as much a demanding physical acti~4ty<br > specifics of jazz dance has not been readily avail- as it is an art form, and ever3 dancer needs to know<br > able to tim novice dancer: Jump into Jazz attempts tile essentials of body maintenmme, In ~The Dancer s<br > to fill this need by summarizing a substantial body Instrument: ~L tking Care of It," we tllerefore discuss<br > of basic dance teclmiques and prin(:iples, ,~Ath preventh,emetl-todsandth st aid fordanceinjuries,<br > easy-to4oliow examples and illustrations.We hope as well as nutriliunal insights for the danceI: De-<br > it will serve as a guide for Ib~~ beginning student tailed headings make this clmpter a quick and easy<br > as well as ~ retcrence It)l" all Ibose interested in jazz reference.<br > danro Ill " File Dancer s Next Step," we provide illfor-<br > ~.~. ~ hcgil~ ~xith , ...,,th(~ll .I jazz dance s lively marion on additional trairdrtg, choreography (:o~l-<br > I.,i. , .,I Owll (le,~(wibes appropri- cepts, and the dance performance onstage ai Ld<br >
Jump into jazz: A primer for the beginning jazz dance student 在线电子书 pdf 下载 txt下载 epub 下载 mobi 下载 2025