Annuals and Perennials 在线电子书 图书标签:
Annuals and Perennials 在线电子书 pdf 下载 txt下载 epub 下载 mobi 下载 2025
WHAT ARE ANNUALS<br > AND PERENNIALS?<br >"Anmtal," perennial," and "biennial" all bare fair{y ,qratgh.~oru ard<br >botanical cl~n#ions. In garden#Tg usage, /hough, the ca/egoJ3 lines can<br >become someu,hat blun ed For evample, some plants a bomnis! wouM caA<br >egorize as pemmials can be grou,n most successfully as annuals.<br >AN N UALS<br >Bocanically, an annual is a plant that completes its life cycle in a year or less. In the<br >course of a single growing season, the seed germinates and the plant grows, blooms,<br >goes to seed, and dies. Because the), must complete their life cycle in such a short time,<br >annuals grow and bh)om qtdckly in their rush to set seed, bringing their joyous color to<br >the garden in only a few months from sowing. They are reliable bloomers: if spent blos-<br >soms are removed, most kinds flower for a long period, persisting in their quest to pro-<br >duce seed.<br > Depending on the varieties you choose, annuals can decorate your garden for<br >much of the yea1: Cool-season types (calendula and viola, for example) prosper in cool<br >soils mid mild temperatures--from fall through spring in mild-winter climates, from<br >early to late spring elsewhere. Following the cool-season show are waxm-season an-<br >nuals such as cosmos and zinnia, which are typically planted ,after the year s last frost<br >mid, in most climates, bloom generously throughout summer and fall.<br >PERENNIALS<br >hi botanical terms, perennials are nonwoody plants that~ ~ i<br >live for more than 2 years. Unlike annuals, they return<br >replanth~g--though many grow at a somewhat P .~" -"<br >rekc<ed pace and may require a season or two to ~: ~7 ~" :<br >settle in and reach their full potential.<br > Among perennials, you ll find plant,; with vari-<br >oils growth habits. Some, such as hosta and peon},<br >(l aeonia), die down to the grotmd at the end of<br >each growing season, then reappear at the start of die<br >next; these are ()hen referred to as "herbaceous"<br >plants. Others, including Shasta daisy (Cbo,santhenutm l ,.~evnia<br >ntaxinlttm) mid cored bells (lteltcbera), go tlirougb win- Festi~a~.la_xima <br >ter as low tufts of leaves, ready to grow when spring arrives. A<br >third i)1~e of perennial is truly evergreen, with h}llage that pm~.ists ~dmost unchanged<br >througllotu the winter months. New Zealand flax (Pho*wthlm), some daylilies (ltenw-<br >rocallis), and perennial pinks (Diantbus) are fanliliar exanlples.<br > A few plants, though technically perennials, Iuay be growu as anntr, ds. Example5<br >include certain tender pkmts (those tliat cannot SUlM ,e freezing temperatures) such as<br >common gerauium (l e&tL, onium), fibrous begopda, marguerite (Cbo,santbemnm<br >
Annuals and Perennials 在线电子书 pdf 下载 txt下载 epub 下载 mobi 下载 2025