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We are pleased to present the thirteenth edition of The material throughout Part 1 has been c~ ocl,~.sed<br >Economics (and its companion editions Macroeco- and rearranged to allow fnr an early and comp~ehen<br >nomics and Microeconomics). Economics continues to sire new chapter (Chapter 6) on the global ec~ nomy.<br >be the top-selling economics text in the United States This chapter contains not only de~ripfiv, m ttefial<br >--with an expanded market share in the twelfth edi- (volume and pattern of world trade), but al~:o , ssen-<br >tion. Moreover, the Russian-language version of Eco- tial theory (comparative advantage, exchange: rates~<br >nomics is the leading economics text in Russia. More and institutional features (trade barriers, GATE EU,<br >than 1 million Russians have learned about market NAFTA). By providing the basics of internatin~,;,1<br >economics fi om it since the fall of communism. The trade and finance, the chapter is a springboea d for th~<br >Canadian and Australian adaptations of this book and instructor who wishes to fully integrate micro arid<br >its translations into French, Spanish, and other lan- macro materials into a global framework.<br >guages have further extended its reach. ~ Economics of Health Care. A new chapter<br > Capitalism in Russia, interest-rate hikes, GAIT (Chapter 35) presents the economics of health care,<br >and NAFTA, pollution rights, the balanced budget an issue that has dominated and will continue to dora-<br >amendment--what a remarkable time for teaching inate national debates. The twin problems of rising<br >and learning economics! More than ever before it is costs of health care and unequal access to he~dth c, u-~<br >clear that people who comprehend economic princi- are presented, as is a demand and supply model ex-<br >ptes will be better able to make sense of the emerg- plaining cost increases. The chapter applies and re-<br >ing world and have an advantage functioning in it. We inforces a host of economic concepts, inchaling asym-<br >thank each of you using Economics, wherever you metric information, spillovers, tax subsidies, hlcome<br >are in this rapidly changing world, for granting us a and price elasticities, the moral hazard problem, op-<br >modest role in your efforts to teach or learn this vital timal health care, and more. "[ he chapter concludes<br >subjecL with a discussion of reform options. To make room<br > for this new chapter, we have deleted the 0,velfth-<br >WHAT S NEW.~ edition s chapter on general equilibrium analysis.<br >This edition has been thoroughly revised, polished,<br >and updated. Many of the changes have been moti- New Features<br >vated by the comments of 43 reviewers, 10 partici-<br >pants in focus groups and 124 respondents to a The thirteenth editiun contains two new features--<br >questionnaire. We sincerely thank each of these con- one adding another global dimension to Economics,<br >tributors and have acknowledged them at the end the other making the book more interactive<br >of this preface. ~ Global Perspectives. We have added 42 Global<br > Here, westfiveonlyforanoverviewofthechanges Perspective sections--most containing charts--<br >in the thirteenth edition; chapter-by-chapter details are throughout the book to compare the United States<br >provided in the Instructor s Resource Manual. economy with other nations. To merely state. 6,r ex-<br > ample, United States rates of inflation, unemploy-<br >New Chapters ment, or taxes, the size of American farm subskfies,<br > or health care spending, without h~ternatiomd corn-<br >We have written two new chapters for this edition, pafisons denies students the context needed lbr<br >~ The Lbtited States ht the Global Economy. meaningful comparisons<br >
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