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Harriet Love's Guide to Vintage Chic

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Harriet Love's Guide to Vintage Chic 在线电子书 图书描述

When I began in this business in 1965, the only When vintage clothes first began being sold by a<br >thing that could be said about vintage clothing few shops in the late sixties, you could have the<br >was that it was old and used and that you had to pick of the Victorian blouse rack, for example, iu<br >be a little weird or theatrical to buy it, let alone perfect condition and for very little money. A per-<br >wear it on days other than Halloween. Today feet-condition Chinese or Spanish shawl with<br >every fashion-conscious woman and man has multicolored embroidery was $30. That great wed-<br >probably bought at least one old piece and worn it ding dress your friend made from hand-embroi-<br >as evening or everyday clothing. In recent years dered batiste and real lace was $25.<br >vintage apparel has become a unique style of dress Finding old clothes is not the cheap thrill it<br >for people without a huge fashion allowance. And used to be in the sixties. No more thrift-shop bar-<br >many with thousands of dollars to spend still find gains and naive flea-market dealers . . . no more<br >that the only time anyone else looks at them at a auctions where you can find "everything in this<br >party is when they have on a special find from box, for the lucky lady who sews at home, ten<br >their favorite vintage-clothing shop. dollars." The message is out: Old clothes are not<br > My first customers seventeen years ago were the same as secondhand clothes. They are lash-<br >young actresses and artists with very little money, ion. They are collectible. Like antiques, they re<br >theatrical taste, and very low clothing budgets, being sold in shops across the United States<br >Some of them worked part-time and went to lash- and in Europe; they re even being auctioned at<br >ion schools at night. Many well-known painters Christie s East and Sotheby s.<br >expressed their interest in textiles by wearing old Today, when the price of a decent new ward-<br >paisley shawls or silkscreened dresses to art open- robe practically requires a second mortgage on<br >ings. The average person s reaction to this "lash- your house, antique clothing still costs less than<br >ion statement" was curiosity and often criticism, comparable new clothes. And vintage clothes are<br >But people who want to be original have always much more accessible today in shops, auctions,<br >paid little attention to the criticism and appreci- flea markets, even some department stores, than<br >ated the curiosity, they were ten years ago.<br > As more antique-clothing stores opened during Still, customers treasure the name of a favorite<br >the seventies and were written up in fashion mag- antique-clothing shop, keeping its location a<br >azines, the public became more aware of vintage closer secret than the name of their plastic sur-<br >clothing. They tested the water by buying a scarf geon. After years of hearing new customers ask,<br >or an accessory. The cost at this time was still "When did you open?" and hearing myself an-<br >mit~imal. If a shawl didn t work out, if a blouse swer, "Seventeen years ago," 1 am used to their<br >tore Under the arm, or if the color was wrong for surprise that my business is so old.<br >yoursl~ia ~one, you just shoved it into the back of Surprisingly enough, many people who would<br >Y0~~~10~. ~long with other, more expensive new- enjoy shopping for and wearing antique clothing<br >e!oth~x~jpots. The cost of such a mistake was resist it, finding the shops difficult to browse and<br >~~Y ~bQ~t five dollars and nothing to get too up- buy in, Displayed items are often one of a kind;<br >set ~bout. Now that the five-dollar clothing pur- the boutique owner looks costumed~ there are too<br >chase has gone the way of the 35-cent slice of many things to choose from; the sizes are eonfus-<br >pizza, our decisions have to be more carefully ing; styles are unique and too varied; things are<br >thought out. not always in good condition.<br >

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