Aid As Obstacle: Twenty Questions About Our Foreign Aid and the Hungry 在线电子书 图书标签:
Aid As Obstacle: Twenty Questions About Our Foreign Aid and the Hungry 在线电子书 pdf 下载 txt下载 epub 下载 mobi 下载 2025
INTRODUCTION<br >W!ii~ of the pc__ o the u<br > gross national product devoted t<br > foreign aid. About the same tim~<br > an independent internation~<br > commission, initiated by Worl,<br > Impact of U.S. Bank President Robert McNa<br > foreign aid for we were forced to mara and headed by former Wes<br > confront such difficult questions German Chancellor Will!<br > as: What causes poverty and Brandt, called for massive in<br > hunger? What is development? creases in industrial countries<br > Who can bring about develop- foreign aid.<br > ment? What responsibilities do By the time these commission~<br > Americans have in a world of made their recommendations, the<br > needless suffering? In this Intro- Carter administration bad al-<br > duction we seek to capsulize our ready committed U.S. taxpayers<br > understanding of these funda- to more foreign aid than ever--<br >mental issues, over $8 billion in fiscal 1980--to<br > be channeled through the Agency<br >Is more aid the answer? for International Development, ~<br > "They are poor and hungry, food aid programs, t the World<br >We in the United States have so Bank, t and other multilateral aid<br >much. Shouldn t we increase our agencies. 1" American taxpayers<br >foreign aid?"<br > were asked to virtually double<br > This is the natural response of their contribution to the World<br >many Americans when confront- Bank, the leading source of devel-<br >ed by the incredible deprivation in opment loans.<br >which most of the world s people Justifying their progralns, aid<br >ire forced to live. spokespersons assure us that strat-<br > This understandable response egies for development have dra-<br >)f wanting to give to the needy is maticaliy improved, and that em-<br > einforced by foreign aid policy- phasis on rapid industrialization<br >nakers. In 1980, a special Presi- and the "green revolution" has<br >[entiai Commission on World been discarded in favor of a new<br >:lunger recommended a tripling development strategy. The new<br >$~~ "A Primer: Sffme Essential Facts about the Aid Establishment" at the end of this<br >book for an in-depth description Throughou the entire book, this symbol 1 will be<br >used 0 denote erms included In tile "Primer."<br >
Aid As Obstacle: Twenty Questions About Our Foreign Aid and the Hungry 在线电子书 pdf 下载 txt下载 epub 下载 mobi 下载 2025