Worst Pills Best Pills II: The Older Adult's Guide to Avoiding Drug-Induced Death or Illness : 119 P 在线电子书 图书标签:
Worst Pills Best Pills II: The Older Adult's Guide to Avoiding Drug-Induced Death or Illness : 119 P 在线电子书 pdf 下载 txt下载 epub 下载 mobi 下载 2025
Are Older Adults Prescribed Too<br > Many Drugs?<br >There are 42.3 million older adults, that is, O 24% used a gastrointestinal drug (for<br >people 60 and over, living in the United ulcers, constipation, colitis, etc.).7<br >States.I In 1991, older Americans filled 650 An even larger proportion of older adults<br >million prescriptions for drugs at retail in nursing homes were being given drugs<br >drugstores, for an average of 15.4 prescrip- in each of these therapeutic categories,<br >tions per person.2 Thus, although people especially the mind-altering drugs which<br >60 and over make up just 16.7%, one-sixth, were used by 61% of 65 to 84-year-olds.<br >of the population, they use 38.5%, of the Although older adults do have more<br >prescription drugs3 at an annual cost of chronic diseases than those who are<br >well over $14.5 billion. All other Ameri- younger and therefore may need more<br >cans got an average of only 4.9 prescrip- drugs than younger people, there is mount-<br >tions per year, less than one-third as many ing evidence that many of our older citi-<br >as older adults.4 zens are getting prescription drugs which<br > Another way of looking at the problem of are entirely unnecessary (the wrong diag-<br >too many drugs for older adults is to ask how nosis has been made or nondrug therapy<br >many different drugs an average person takes would work), they are getting a more<br >in a year, since some of the 15.4 prescriptions dangerous drug when a much less danger-<br >per person are refills. A survey of older adults, ous one would work (a Worst Pill, instead<br >this time people 65 and over, found that 61% of a safer pill), or a lower dose of the same<br >of people 65-84 years old dwelling in the drug would give the same benefits with<br >community (not in nursing homes or the lower risks.<br >hospital) got three or more different pre- A very serious problem concerning the<br >scription drugs in a year, 37% got five or use of drugs by older adults is that many of<br >more, and 19% got seven or more different the "illnesses" for which they seek and are<br >drugs? (In nursing homes, an even larger, given drug treatment are problems which<br >proportion of people were given an extraordi- are, in fact, adverse drug reactions to drugs<br >nary number of drugs, with 34% of 65- to already being used which were not recog-<br >84-year-old residents getting seven or more nized by either patient or doctor as such.<br >different prescription drugs in a year.)6 In Chapter 2, Adverse Drug Reactions,<br > Yet another way of measuring the extent p. 9, we list common adverse drug reactions<br >of prescription drug use by older adults is which might be mistaken for diseases in<br >to find out what percentage are using older people. These "diseases," in this case<br >different categories of drugs. The same drug-induced, include memory loss, confu-<br >study mentioned above found that: sion, depression, parkinsonism, falls and<br >O 65% of people 65 to 84 (who were not in hip fractures, constipation, and urinary<br > nursing homes or hospitals) took a incontinence. We list, for each kind of<br > cardiovascular drug (for heart disease, adverse reaction, the drugs that have been<br > high blood pressure, or other heart/ shown to cause it.<br > blood vessel diseases) and 33% used a A recent review of 19 studies measuring<br > psychotropic drug (tranquilizer, sleeping the appropriateness of medication use on<br > pill, or antidepressant); the elderly -- looking at the prescribing<br >
Worst Pills Best Pills II: The Older Adult's Guide to Avoiding Drug-Induced Death or Illness : 119 P 在线电子书 pdf 下载 txt下载 epub 下载 mobi 下载 2025