Journey to the Golden Door: A Survivor's Tale 在線電子書 圖書標籤:
Journey to the Golden Door: A Survivor's Tale 在線電子書 pdf 下載 txt下載 epub 下載 mobi 下載 2025
(7Zal~:( r /<br > Life In A Carpathian Village<br > My mother, Yitla Fciga (Fanny), was born in Szaphmca in thc Car<br > palhian area of Czechoslovakia in 189g. BeE)re World War 11<br > Szaphmea had a vibrant Jewish community, with many insdtution~ of<br > learning and a f, mlous lineage of rabbis.<br > Yilta Fciga and five other children wcre the [m~ducl of mv<br > grandlalhcr s lruilft~l second marriage which followed the death of hi~<br > firsl v,ifc at a oung age. Gr,mdfalhcr Melach, aflcr whom 1 am par<br > flail; ,alto d, ~:l,x a very energetic, handsomc man, well-respected ira<br > , ~,zaph)nca by ,low and Gentile. Although obsclwant, hc was a modern<br > Jew who believed that (he study of Tah-nud alone was not enough and<br > that hard physical work and participalion in secular life wcrc of great<br > importance as wcll. Evcryonc in the family spokc Yiddish, but the<br > prcfcrrcd language in the household was Hungarian. Unlikc the wivcs<br > (51" I lasidic or Orthodc)x men, nay grandmc)thcr did not wear a wig. The<br > young men in the family, like nay grandfathcr, wcrc clcan-shavcn and<br > without the i~aYoth (sidclocks). Nor did they have t(~ wc~lr :icith (frin-<br > ge s) or v~unm//,c,s" (skullcaps). The girls alIcndcd social functions in<br > llliXt (.I t (ll/Ipally and wcrc t)ellllitlt:d IO Ilkive I~ellt, tczvt)ii,x.<br > As a y(u).g man, Gran,.Ip,i Mclaeh , ,. ;is ;![>p)c)IIicc~I iu a [l,)v~E mill<br > ;I,d became proficicn( in ever,,, phase of lhc c ral~, l lc :,;~~,>~: t~,<, :~rnc ti,c<br > forcu)au of lhc samc mill and made a linc living i~>! hi:, ic~t~:.~, i:~rlaii.<br >As a re,sequence, all his children wcrc able lo allcnd both , ,~ cutar a~i~i<br >religi()us xchools hcyolld what was lhcn custotnary for the children ,:!<br >a .It wish workiug man. Once the children finished their b:~sic sch~)ol-<br >in!:, cvc~v one of them, including (he Girls, had 1(5 learn it/rz~<k and be-<br >come sol f-su flicicnl.<br > l";mtl xv:> a brighl, xivacious, l)rclly child. She was known as the<br >hapl)y lillh ctum ~hcnm, who made everyone laugh. Nhc v, as loved bx <br >the ,. ntilc f;IInil;. , hut cspcciaIly adorcd by her filthcr ,.,,he, anaong<br >olhcr IhiIlgs. admired he) for her tomboyish ))atucc. l lc did la~)t call her<br >
Journey to the Golden Door: A Survivor's Tale 在線電子書 pdf 下載 txt下載 epub 下載 mobi 下載 2025