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Safe Places for the 80s

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Safe Places for the 80s 在線電子書 圖書描述

When Is a "?<br >When is a towii "sale"?<br > You won t find the answer 1~} a dfction;~C, ()~lr Vcb,stcr ~; New Colle~;iatc<br >Dictionary dethms "safe" as "freed fr~m harm ;~: risk" or "secure fr<~m threat of<br >danger, harm, or loss" That dc,v,:ribc:~ tiac c,+,ridition of bcmg ~afc, but it doesn t<br >help ~ou tell !f a commumtv iv, safe<br > Morc~weL common sense wi]! tell vcu~ {I~a~ ~ t~~w r~ ;:au ~.3.iaral~,tcc ~. ~~1 c,:~f~-<br >plete safety by either of ti~,,sc defi~ili~ms All v,,:~t: c:;m ask for,---m this life, at ap,+,<br >rate--is relative sa[etv. And cvc~; there y~,ll have n,:; guarantees All ,+)u ca~3 g~><br >by is the town s past record and prcse~t s:tiu~tion<br > There s a pers~ma! sick to ti+c pv: +b!cm, to~ ~:ou car~ live in the-: safest of ~H<br >Safe Places, but it that town has one crime that year and it affects yo .+<br >you re not likely to think of it as "s;dc + anyInore<br > We can t protect you from al} danger. "That ~ !ifcY a,~ the :,ayi~g ~z,~cs. AIi we<br >can do is sho~ yot! the steps we used .to .select tuwp, s that are relatively safe We<br >think our steps are pretty thoto igh We also think ti~c odds ,,+ ill be much mot,::<br >in your favor if you live m one ~?f ~,~v,r Safe Ptaccs. But if your n!m~bcr s up, it s<br >uP.<br > Essentially, there were three steps m ~ +~tr seiect/,, ,t+ pr+>ccss to+ the Nafc/~&ces<br >for the XOs<br >S ~P 1: DF/I ERM|Nt!; TIlE (.)VF;RAI,I, CRIME RNFE<br > First, we calculated a towr; s overai~ crime rate ] }mrc ale 1v~,> c]cme~ts (hat<br > deterufiue the rate: the town s populati~ and the mtmber >f c~i,mcs ,.:~)mnl[tted<br > m the town.<br > If a town has a popuiation of ]03.11)0 at+<l If) crimes are c,,:,im~++itt~:d ii~ it thi~:<br > year, we can say that it has ~++ crhac rate ~+f 1 i+tcicte++t per },!)C)0 inEabitants<br > But remember: Crime razes ate all re hetive. l:.+wn X is , safe only in cotnparisot~<br >

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