The Butterfly Lions 在线电子书 图书标签:
The Butterfly Lions 在线电子书 pdf 下载 txt下载 epub 下载 mobi 下载 2025
(JL) LI)t~-LLL)/ I t:1) : glMBLIZ l)OLiS Zl<br >(]~incsc ha5 cclcstinl clo~s among thc stars. Thcir tcrm for an<br >cdipsc l~ i:l~c catin< up by a clog of the sun or Jnoo1~, and<br > J<br >,.lu~"ip,~, :m ccli~c t])e pcoplc used to go out with ~on~. and<br >~Irums ,~{ ii3ccnsc to try anc[ t-rightcn thc Ticn Mow, or<br > hc,lvcnl,c dof, fi om his meal. There aDpcars co laavc bccn<br >am>thcr dog in ttlc sky, the Barking Dog, which had thc si~c<br > J<br >ot::m clcphant and the likcncss of an owl and cats its parcnts.<br >Its hcad is of brass, its ncck of iron: tcrriblc in battlc, its<br >:~ntagonist is consumcd cvcn to the last ot7 its boncs. This<br >hcavcnlv or horrible dog had tIlcpowcr to snatch children<br > i<br >iiom their !~ouscs--one can imaginc peasant mothers and<br >ntzrscs fri<htcning children into quaking goodncss by it. "Fhc<br >stories arc con{used and both may havc bccn bascd on thc<br >mythical monster dog Fu.<br > There wcrc otl~cr dog superstitions. In Pcking thcrc uscd to<br >bca tcmplc dcdicatcd to the god Erh Lang who, likc St<br >(]cot<c, is the slaver of d,agons, and he is thc mastcr of that<br > J<br >Ticn Kow, the dog t]3at howls in the sky. For this rcason,<br >am onc who owncd a trcasurcd dog would put a miniature of it<br > )<br >in tin>~, brass, silver, jade or ivory on Erh Lang s altar to<br >protect tile pct tS"om harm: i hope I am not usually a covccous<br >t,crson but 1 havc seen three O[7 t]3CSC inmgcs , so small that<br >they had to bc looked at through a m~mifv/n~*0~ , ~ glass. Tlac> <br >wcrc only of brass but c~quisitcl> carvcd and, if I could, I<br >would h:{vc stoic13 them! These star bclicts and cclcscial do~s,<br >though, have nodaing co do with the evolution of the pekingesc.<br > There arc scrolls of pckin~csc, nor writrcn but painted; thc<br >most lit likc belongs._ to tb_c time ot7 thc T~o-Kuan~, ~ period,<br >18- ,-r,~5o which could be callcd the lacvday or ~oldcn a<c of<br > J J ~<br >the pckingcsc in China. The scroll is lettered After Tsou<br >Yi Kwci, K ang-hsi period. 166>-I72"- , so that cvidcntl<br >carlicr painted scrolls were also dog books, but this onc is<br >especially bcautihd: a hundred littlc do<s playing, t~ghting,<br >
The Butterfly Lions 在线电子书 pdf 下载 txt下载 epub 下载 mobi 下载 2025