The Ultimate Noah's Ark 在线电子书 图书标签:
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represenlalions of animals. The hn gest works of art ever made are tile giant animals In the Bible the animals are simply categorized as beasts, cattle, creep<br >described on Ihe pampa ill present-day Peru, which dale Ii nm prehistoric times, things, fowl and birds. Today the demands of science are more exacting and<br > 1,~, ith the arrival of lhe Cllristian era tile story of Noah s Ark captured the life on earth is elassiiied according to the Linnaean system, which was form~<br >inlaginatinn of countless artisls and it has been a popular theme of western art for in the 1750s by the Swedish naturalist and founder of taxonomy Carl yon Lir<br >hundreds of years. An early example can he found ill the frescoes by the (called Carolus Linnaeus). This universal system is a precise method of<br >fourlcenlh-century Sienese master Bartoln di Fredi in tile Collegiate Church of classifying a living organism by the use of two Latinized words indicating th<br >San Gimignano and a laler one in The Animals Going hllo the Ark by the genus and species. The complete hierarchical system lists as many as tweW<br >sixleen -century Venetian Jacopo Bassano, who was all early specialist in " "<br > "Noah s Ark* Ily Edwart H cks. 1846. The animals enler lhe Ark as Ihe deluge apt:to,a, hes over<br >paintilltz [lllillUI]S as was his near contenlporary Jan Bruegel ill the Nelherlands nineteenth-century Pennsyh u a<br >wh,,. a,,,-,,g ,n,my others, alsn pai,,led this subject. Probably the nlost evocative ~,~ I~ ~-<br >am1, l. m3 mind, lhe nlost char|ning painting of Noah s Ark is that painted in 1846 , .<br >b) th, X,~,,,rican, Edward Hicks. tticks, who lived and worked in Pennsylvania inIll<br >the I.,!,. ,,i.,I l~ enlh and early nineteenth centuries, was a Quaker preacher who<br >lmi,l, ,! ,:~ !~i~ Hmre time and is regarded luday as one of the world s greatest ~:!<br > ~ 1<br >nail,,~ ill !1:~1, .<br > I , ~I,t3 Ihe earliest analytical study ofthis story was made in Area NoiY, , :~" .. .<br >pul,lisl,, : ,, 1~:;73 by the German scientisl Athanasius t~ircher, lie precisely dated : ~ ~<br >lh., I1,,,. ,: :~ltl ~,. He suggesled thai Ihe animals were disposed aboard the Ark<br >wJlh Ih, i,.~ slore ~ housing tile birds and human living quarters (we know :":<br >tr.m f!~ ,!, ,, Ihal the crew nun|bered eight), the middle slorey tile stores and ~<br >provJ..[,,:>, ,~i.I Ille luv~tJr storey the quadrupeds. The se| pents, no doul)t on m ~<br >,c( .~.~ .,, r previous misbellavinur ill the Garden uf F.den, were wisely lett Io ~l~<br >their,,,. , ~ices in the bilge. Kircher explained the ahsence of any uther<br >cr,-ahH, , ~ostating lilt received wisdonl of the age that insects - which in<br >~e~: t~t~ I ~ i lilury ternliwlology hlcluded Sl.lch creatures as frogs, nlice and e.<br >scoq.,,,: did not reproduce in tile convelllional manner bul rather by i:<br >del ..i ,,:- !heir seed bw rotting carcasses or on vegetation, which was then eaten~; ic"~, ,<br >hy olh~ ~ , ",flures and subsequently expelled as dung frunl which they hatched. .~,~<br > lhtq~. ~,,,, haxe I,een rio shortage of this last substance aboard the Ark. Ki| cher i : :<br >~ds. lib,is lb. animals that were excluded li"mn tile Ark, which numbered fabulous~ ~ : :<br >beasl~ xtJch as mernlaids, gryphons, manticores, u|licorns and giants as well as ~ . i.<br >tile equafl:~ mythical hybrids. These included tile eamcleopard, l ruit of the nlating ~at""~( "<br >of the p.t~tt.,r at d the camel, tire hippardium from the panther and horse, tile~.,,,~ .<br >allopev.,pilldcum h on| tile lox and the monkey and tile armadillo fronl tile :. ~(,~ t<br >bedgebo~ imd the Im toise.<br > :" ~ : : ~}| 8<br >
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