Man vs. Wild 在線電子書 圖書標籤: 荒野求生 探索頻道 wow Discovery 美國 vs.Wild oh Man
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貝爾•格裏爾斯(Bear Grylls),現代的終極探險傢、前特種部隊戰士、空手道黑帶高手、熱愛嚮高度挑戰的登山者。曾在英國特種部隊(British Special Forces)的21空降特勤團(21 SAS)待過三年,後來在一次近乎緻命的空降意外中背部斷裂三處,纔忍痛離開特種部隊。二年後,格裏爾斯追尋著兒時夢想,成為最年輕的登山傢之一,成功徵服瞭珠穆朗瑪峰的頂峰。現在則在DISCOVERY頻道,擔任「荒野求生」影集的演齣人。
◎1998年5月26日,以「登上珠穆朗瑪峰的頂峰之最年輕者」(23歲),躍登《金氏世界紀錄》(The Guinness Book of Records)。
◎其著作的第一本書為《麵對》(Facing Up,美國版名為《攀登艾佛勒斯峰的孩子》The Kid who climbed Everest),為十大暢銷書之一
◎ 美國「歐普拉秀」(Oprah Show)、傑雷諾之今夜秀(Jay leno's Tonight show)、英國廣播電颱(BBC)「強納生◎羅斯的周末夜」(Friday night with Jonathon Ross)、天堂人間(Heaven and Earth)等著名節目邀請的常客。
◎2003年,成功帶領一組隊伍,以一艘開放式的充氣艇,橫越冰凍的北冰洋,紀錄此次冒險的書《麵對冰凍之海》(Facing the Frozen Ocean),入選年度運動選書,並以此冒險經曆獲頒英國皇傢海軍(Royal Navy)海軍少校的名譽職。
In Man vs. Wild , Bear Grylls demonstrates all manner of survival techniques when faced with nature's extremes--from crossing piranha-infested rivers to fighting off grizzly bears. He shows us how, armed with the correct know-how and a determination to stay alive, all of us have the potential to beat the elements in even the bleakest of situations. Bear Grylls is the ultimate modern-day adventurer. He spent three years with the British Special Forces (21 SAS), only leaving when a near-fatal parachuting accident broke his back in three places. Just two years later, Grylls followed his childhood dream and became one of the youngest climbers ever to reach the summit of Mount Everest. He is the host of the Discovery Channel series Man vs. Wild , where viewers tune in to watch Grylls show what it takes to find your way out of the most inhospitable places on earth with little more than the clothes on your back. Now, in his book, he shows his millions of fans worldwide how to do what he does in an utterly entertaining crash course in surviving every kind of hard ecosystem--mountain, sub-zero terrain, jungle, desert, and the sea. Grylls takes readers on a journey to the corners of the earth and recreates disaster scenarios such as being stranded on a desert island or lost in the snowy Arctic. Perfect for armchair adventurers and extreme sports buffs alike, Man vs. Wild is destined to become a classic in adventure literature. Prepare to learn how to ... Snack on maggots Dig yourself a shelter from the snow Suck the fluid from fish eyeballs Skin a snake and eat it Use your own urine to cool yourself down Live without your cell phone "When disaster strikes and we find ourselves alone in an unknown and hostile environment, why do some people survive and others perish? Almost all of the most extraordinary tales of survival seem to involve an indefinable Ingredient X, which can only be understood as having its source in that mysterious entity, the `human spirit.'"
--Bear Grylls, Man vs. Wild
如果穿越回5000年前,你是否还能安稳的生存下去?没有网线,没有电,没有通讯设施,没有自来水,直接被扔到一篇荒野上,是否还能够生存下去? 自然中有水源、有植物,运气好的时候还能打下野味。小时候看《鲁滨逊漂流记》的时候就觉得真的到了荒野上该多好啊!大地为床...
評分如果穿越回5000年前,你是否还能安稳的生存下去?没有网线,没有电,没有通讯设施,没有自来水,直接被扔到一篇荒野上,是否还能够生存下去? 自然中有水源、有植物,运气好的时候还能打下野味。小时候看《鲁滨逊漂流记》的时候就觉得真的到了荒野上该多好啊!大地为床...
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