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The Easter Story

Spirin, Gennady 作者
1999-3 出版日期
0 頁數
90.00 價格
9780805050523 圖書編碼

The Easter Story 在線電子書 圖書標籤: 繪本  俄羅斯  GennadySpirin   

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The Easter Story 在線電子書 圖書描述 As he did with The Christmas Story, Gennady Spirin provides a lavish artistic accompaniment to excerpts from the King James Bible. This time he offers tribute to the crucifixion and resurrection of Christ. Adding to the drama and symbolism of the story, Spirin drapes Jesus in a flowing, ivory robe that enhances the radiance of Christ himself, who seems to glow from the core of his being. As readers follow the shining Jesus through these ornate pages, the masses, the disciples, the enemies, and all the scenery is cast in the more aged and muted earthly colors of dusty beige, shadowy gray, burnt clay, and old gold. Only the angel of comfort, sent from heaven on Jesus' dark night of the soul, is able to match the light of Christ. Although Spirin's tempera and watercolor illustrations are unequivocally inspired and penetrating, children younger than 8 years old may find it difficult to follow the obtuse, unfamiliar gospels of Matthew, Luke, and John. The crucifixion--with its appropriately dark and disturbing illustrations--commands especially the adult reader to offer plenty of comfort and discussion. Even the resurrection pages are sobering--until the final triumphant spread where we see Christ peacefully reigning among a host of trumpeting angels. From the language itself, many young children might find it impossible to glean the redemption and glory of this story without some extensive interpretation. While this kind of interactive reading is probably a good thing for children, it requires an astute and sensitive adult reader. --Gail Hudson From Publishers Weekly Spirin (The Christmas Story) weaves together the major biblical accounts of Jesus' passion and resurrection and adorns them with stunning tempera-and-watercolor paintings in this sensitively rendered picture book. There's no mistaking Jesus' central role in these dramatic proceedings: Spirin paints him swathed in a gentle haloed radiance-brighter than the surrounding players, literally in the spotlight. Though language from the Bible is often difficult for young readers to decipher, they will likely hear these passages anew after viewing Spirin's emotional interpretations of Jesus' ride into Jerusalem, through throngs of palm-waving followers, the breaking of the bread at the Last Supper and his suffering on the cross. Each segment of text appears against the detailed architecture of the Holy Land-be it temple, palace wall or cityscape-replete with columns, gilded domes, turrets and carefully laid stone and brick. Just as elaborate are the golden vestments worn by chief priests and officers. The scenes of Jesus' death appropriately take place in a setting black as night. But angels appear throughout, rendered in the same sacred light as Jesus, and on the final, joyous page symbolize the powerful Easter message of faith and resurrection. All ages. Copyright 1999 Reed Business Information, Inc. See all Editorial Reviews

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