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Love And Lavender (Harlequin American Romance 219)

Muriel Jensen 作者
1987-09-01 出版日期
0 页数
USD 2.75 价格
9780373162192 图书编码

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~. All rights reserved.<br >an copyright 1987.<br >~roduction or utilization of<br > by any electronic,<br >nown or hereafter invented,<br >g and recording, or in any<br >tern, is forbidden without<br >~rlequin Enterprises Limited,<br >)ntario, Canada M3B 3K9.<br >no existence outside the<br >no relation whatsoever to<br >names. They are not even<br >known or unknown to the<br >*/ention.<br >ing of the words<br >CE, HARLEQUIN<br >portrayal of a Harlequin,<br >~rises Limited; the portrayal<br >Jnitsd States Patent and<br >a Trade Marks Office.<br > From a wicker rocking chair on the porch of an old yel-<br > low frame house, Lavinia Talmadge watched the goings-<br > on on South Cowls Avenue. Watching was all she could<br > do anymore, with arthritis impeding her movements and<br > an uncertain heart condition forcing her to remain sed-<br > entary.<br > But it was late summer, with the fragrance of autumn<br >entwined in the smell of freshly cut grass. Though Lavi-<br >nia was seventy-seven, her yearly case of fall fever was as<br >virulent as it had ever been in her youth. Other people s<br >fancies turned to thoughts of love in the spring when<br >flowers were in bloom and the countryside was greening.<br >Her thoughts turned to love in late August when the sun<br >became more golden and less warm, when woodsmoke<br >began to puff against the blue sky and ducks and geese<br >gathered noisily for their journeys south.<br > It had been on such a day that she had met Thomas<br >Talmadge, and though fifty-six years had passed, she re-<br >membered the moment as though it had happened yes-<br >terday. Every woman should know a love like that, she<br >thought, looking up at the maple tree on the front lawn,<br >heavy with its giant deep summer leaves. They d had pas-<br >sion and peace, successes and failures, laughter and tears.<br ><br >

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