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Adult ADD: A Reader Friendly Guide to Identifying, Understanding, and Treating Adult Attention Defic 在線電子書 pdf 下載 txt下載 epub 下載 mobi 下載 2024

Adult ADD: A Reader Friendly Guide to Identifying, Understanding, and Treating Adult Attention Defic

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Adult ADD: A Reader Friendly Guide to Identifying, Understanding, and Treating Adult Attention Defic 在線電子書 著者簡介

Adult ADD: A Reader Friendly Guide to Identifying, Understanding, and Treating Adult Attention Defic 在線電子書 著者簡介

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Adult ADD: A Reader Friendly Guide to Identifying, Understanding, and Treating Adult Attention Defic 在線電子書 圖書描述

From Booklist It's an explanation, not an excuse, say clinical psychologists Whiteman and Michele Novotini about adult attention deficit disorder (ADD), a problem that has recently received extensive coverage and almost faddish acceptance. Although the authors acknowledge the reality of the neurobiological disorder and the mayhem it can cause in sufferers' lives, they feel that those with ADD must take responsibility for the disorder that plagues their work, relationships, learning, and self-esteem by seeking proper diagnosis (a complex process) and treatment (medication, counseling, behavior modification). To that end, concise, punchy chapters cover the subject with helpful factual information, alternating with identifiable personal stories. The authors move clearly and logically through their discussion, highlighting the process, professionals, and problems involved. Drawing on their personal as well as professional knowledge of ADD, they suggest specific ways to deal with organization, learning, relationships, and work. In their lucid, concrete guidance (citing many leading authorities and resource organizations), the authors see a positive attitude, acceptance, and action as the best way to overcome and live more successfully with the disorder. Irene Wood Nancy O. Wilson, Provident Book Finder, August/September 1996 No book can cover all the bases of this puzzling new concept, but this one addresses vital topics including personal relationships and the world of work. See all Editorial Reviews

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