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Walt Disney World: For Mature Travelers

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Walt Disney World: For Mature Travelers 在線電子書 圖書描述

From Library Journal Smith, a columnist at the Orlando Sentinel and an editor of Florida Retirement Lifestyles, has compiled a gold mine of information about Walt Disney World and other tourist attractions in central Florida that is helpful to travelers of all ages. One realizes the gigantic scope of Disney World; it now includes the Magic Kingdom, Epcot Center, Disney MGM Studios, Disney's Animal Kingdom, Discovery Island, Downtown Disney, and more. Although Smith maintains that this work was not officially approved by Disney, it reads like a public relations manual. And in spite of the title, Smith fails to show just why Disney World would be attractive to seniors: the parks offer no senior discounts, and discounts at the hotels are "sporadic." The book's value to seniors lies in Smith's descriptions of the rides and attractions, detailing each ride's movements and what ages enjoy them. Also included is a long and helpful list of telephone numbers, addresses, web sites, and e-mail addresses that travelers can use to get more information.AMelinda Stivers Leach, Precision Editorial Svcs., Wondervu, CO Copyright 1999 Reed Business Information, Inc. --This text refers to the Paperback edition. Book Description For those of us who measure a vacation by how much fun we have, not by seeing and doing it all. Enjoy every minute of your trip, whether you're on a roller coaster or relaxing by the pool. Walt Disney World for Mature Travelers will help you make the most of your Orlando vacation--and then some--with everything you need to plan lodging and transportation before you go and thorough information on every theme park, ride, and restaurant. Don't follow the crowds! Make smart decisions on what to see and what to skip based on your interests and preferences. With tips on: --The shortest lines, the quickest transportation, and beating the crowds --The best days to go - a week can make all the difference --Planning an all-adult vacation or blending grandkids' enjoyment with your own --Top bargains and first-rate quality in lodging, dining, and souvenirs --Orlando attractions not covered by any other guide! Whatever your plans, Walt Disney World for Mature Travelers will give you the information you need to plan a vacation to remember. --This text refers to the Paperback edition. See all Editorial Reviews

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