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The Mah-Jongg Spies

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The Mah-Jongg Spies 在線電子書 圖書描述

From Publishers Weekly By the author of A Man Called Kyril and other thrillers, this lengthy, intricate novel hinges on schemes to take over Hong Kong in 1997. Soviet designs on the territory activate Qiu Qianwei, agent of the People's Republic of China, and he tries to enlist British trader Simon Young in a plot against the Russians. Young refuses, so Qianwei's team kidnaps him, his Chinese wife, Jinny, and their children. As the story unfurls, the family is forced to labor on the Mainland in a remote village until the tense, bloody crisis brings a series of surprises. Rich in characters and incidents, the drama also gives readers intriguing details of life in its exotic locale. Trenhaile will please the most ardent fans of spy fare with this gripping story. 50,000 first printing; major ad/promo. Copyright 1986 Reed Business Information, Inc. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title. From Library Journal Powerful Simon Young, British scion of a venerable Hong Kong banking family, owns 20 of the 50 founders' shares in the Pacific and Cantonese Banking Corporation, Asia's second largest bank, and stands to inherit 6 more. When the KGB and Chinese Central Intelligence decide to wrest control of these shares from Youngthe KGB so it can ruin Hong Kong financially before the Chinese take possession in 1997, and Chinese Intelligence so it can put the Russian bank (KGB headquarters) there out of businessfinancial machination and deception ensue. Espionage veteran Trenhaile ( Nocturne for the General ) depicts Chinese and Far Eastern locales in authentic detail, attaching a thoroughly researched knowledge of language and lore to a highly refined sense of character. Another superior contender from a masterful writer. Rex E. Klett, Anson Cty. Lib., Wadesboro, N.C.Copyright 1986 Reed Business Information, Inc. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.

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