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Lone Survivor

Marcus Luttrell 作者
Back Bay Books
2008-5-1 出版日期
392 页数
USD 15.99 价格
9780316067607 图书编码

Lone Survivor 在线电子书 图书标签: 军事   

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Lone Survivor 在线电子书 用户评价


We just prove it thru your body, that you can push yourself futher than you can ever image!


We just prove it thru your body, that you can push yourself futher than you can ever image!


We just prove it thru your body, that you can push yourself futher than you can ever image!


We just prove it thru your body, that you can push yourself futher than you can ever image!


We just prove it thru your body, that you can push yourself futher than you can ever image!

Lone Survivor 在线电子书 著者简介

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Lone Survivor 在线电子书 图书描述

Four US Navy SEALS departed one clear night in early July, 2005 for the mountainous Afghanistan-Pakistan border for a reconnaissance mission. Their task was to document the activity of an al Qaeda leader rumored to be very close to Bin Laden with a small army in a Taliban stronghold. Five days later, only one of those Navy SEALS made it out alive.

This is the story of the only survivor of Operation Redwing, SEAL fire team leader Marcus Luttrell, and the extraordinary firefight that led to the largest loss of life in American Navy SEAL history. His squadmates fought valiantly beside him until he was the only one left alive, blasted by an RPG into a place where his pursuers could not find him. Over the next four days, terribly injured and presumed dead, Luttrell crawled for miles through the mountains and was taken in by sympathetic villagers who risked their lives to keep him safe from surrounding Taliban warriors.

A born and raised Texan, Marcus Luttrell takes us from the rigors of SEAL training, where he and his fellow SEALs discovered what it took to join the most elite of the American special forces, to a fight in the desolate hills of Afghanistan for which they never could have been prepared. His account of his squadmates' heroism and mutual support renders an experience that is both heartrending and life-affirming. In this rich chronicle of courage and sacrifice, honor and patriotism, Marcus Luttrell delivers a powerful narrative of modern war.

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Lone Survivor 在线电子书 读后感


其实这本书对我最大的吸引力便是充分了解下美精锐是怎么炼成、如何战斗的~ 小时候家长就带着作者野营、游泳、狩猎神马的~ 这个是基本功的差距啊~解放军参军前基本木有机会碰枪啊~而且大部分年轻人都缺乏足够的锻炼。。。 因此:感觉解放军还有很长的路要追。不过在牺牲...  



几点感受 1. Marcus同学说自己小时候和老哥的业余爱好之一是在家乡德州的水里和鳄鱼玩wrestling,后来看ABC的一个关于海豹部队的记录短片,发现出镜的几个哥们全是美国南方口音,美南部民风的确彪悍,不禁为我特种兵的战力担忧啊。 2. 美军真有钱,各军种甚至各军种内部的特种...


其实这本书对我最大的吸引力便是充分了解下美精锐是怎么炼成、如何战斗的~ 小时候家长就带着作者野营、游泳、狩猎神马的~ 这个是基本功的差距啊~解放军参军前基本木有机会碰枪啊~而且大部分年轻人都缺乏足够的锻炼。。。 因此:感觉解放军还有很长的路要追。不过在牺牲...  


几点感受 1. Marcus同学说自己小时候和老哥的业余爱好之一是在家乡德州的水里和鳄鱼玩wrestling,后来看ABC的一个关于海豹部队的记录短片,发现出镜的几个哥们全是美国南方口音,美南部民风的确彪悍,不禁为我特种兵的战力担忧啊。 2. 美军真有钱,各军种甚至各军种内部的特种...

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