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The Art of Public Speaking

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9780072388350 圖書編碼

The Art of Public Speaking 在線電子書 圖書標籤: speaking  public  art  the  of   

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The Art of Public Speaking 在線電子書 圖書描述

i f it is true, as Walter Pater said, that "a book, like a person, has its for-

tunes," then fortune has indeed smiled upon The Art of Public Speak-

ing. I am deeply appreciative to the students and teachers who have made

it the leading textbook on its subject at colleges and universities across

the United States.

In preparing this, the seventh edition, I have retained what readers have

identified as the main strengths of previous editions. The book continues

to be informed by classical and contemporary theories of rhetoric but does

not present theory for its own sake. Keeping a steady eye on the practical

skills of public speaking, it offers full coverage of all major aspects of speech

preparation and presentation.

Throughout The Art of Public Speaking I have followed David Hume s

advice that one "who would teach eloquence must do it chiefly by exam-

ples." Whenever possible, I have tried to show the principles of public speak-

ing in action in addition to telling about them. Thus you will find in the

book a large number of narratives and extracts from speeches--set off from

the text in a contrasting typeface. There are also many speech outlines and

sample speeches. All these are provided so students can see how to for-

mulate specific purpose statements, how to analyze and adapt to audiences,

how to organize ideas and construct outlines, how to assess evidence and

reasoning, how to use language effectively, and so forth.

Because the immediate task facing students is to present speeches in the

classroom, I have relied heavily on examples that relate directly to students

classroom needs and experiences. The speech classroom, however, is a train-

ing ground where students develop skills that will serve them throughout

life. Therefore, I have also included a large number of illustrations drawn

from the kinds of speaking experiences students will face after they gradu-

ate-in their careers and in their communities.

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