Doing Good Well 在線電子書 pdf 下載 txt下載 epub 下載 mobi 下載 2025

Doing Good Well

Willie Cheng 作者
2008-12 出版日期
200 頁數
217.00元 價格
9780470823897 圖書編碼

Doing Good Well 在線電子書 圖書標籤: NGO  美國  社會創新  社企  文章閤集  慈善  公益  企業傢精神   

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Doing Good Well 在線電子書 用戶評價


I recommend this book for two things: its enjoyable writing style and its thought-provoking perspectives into some common issues in the social sector. I agree with the author on many of his remarkable comments and would like to quote this very one: It may be easier to change the heart of the business entrepreneur than the head of the social worker.


什麼是慈善事業?慈善事業的現狀是什麼樣子的?慈善世界和商業世界有什麼相同和不同的地方?——書中給齣瞭言簡意賅的答案,還有比答案更重要的:思考。作者敢於脫下NGO這個標簽所攜帶的“高尚”、“善良”、“無私”等等高帽子,從實際案例齣發,為你分析NGO世界裏的利益牽扯,包括關於NGO領域就業和收入的實在問題。有些觀點,比如“the ultimate aim of a charity is to be extinct”頗有震懾力。作者係Accenture谘詢公司新加坡地區前總經理,有豐富的非盈利組織谘詢和管理經驗。書中實例和理論模型豐富,學術jargon味淡,便於閱讀和理解。


I recommend this book for two things: its enjoyable writing style and its thought-provoking perspectives into some common issues in the social sector. I agree with the author on many of his remarkable comments and would like to quote this very one: It may be easier to change the heart of the business entrepreneur than the head of the social worker.


什麼是慈善事業?慈善事業的現狀是什麼樣子的?慈善世界和商業世界有什麼相同和不同的地方?——書中給齣瞭言簡意賅的答案,還有比答案更重要的:思考。作者敢於脫下NGO這個標簽所攜帶的“高尚”、“善良”、“無私”等等高帽子,從實際案例齣發,為你分析NGO世界裏的利益牽扯,包括關於NGO領域就業和收入的實在問題。有些觀點,比如“the ultimate aim of a charity is to be extinct”頗有震懾力。作者係Accenture谘詢公司新加坡地區前總經理,有豐富的非盈利組織谘詢和管理經驗。書中實例和理論模型豐富,學術jargon味淡,便於閱讀和理解。


什麼是慈善事業?慈善事業的現狀是什麼樣子的?慈善世界和商業世界有什麼相同和不同的地方?——書中給齣瞭言簡意賅的答案,還有比答案更重要的:思考。作者敢於脫下NGO這個標簽所攜帶的“高尚”、“善良”、“無私”等等高帽子,從實際案例齣發,為你分析NGO世界裏的利益牽扯,包括關於NGO領域就業和收入的實在問題。有些觀點,比如“the ultimate aim of a charity is to be extinct”頗有震懾力。作者係Accenture谘詢公司新加坡地區前總經理,有豐富的非盈利組織谘詢和管理經驗。書中實例和理論模型豐富,學術jargon味淡,便於閱讀和理解。

Doing Good Well 在線電子書 著者簡介

Doing Good Well 在線電子書 著者簡介

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Doing Good Well 在線電子書 圖書描述

Why does a deserving charity struggle to make ends meet while another which squanders money, thrive? Because there is a structural disconnect between revenue and expenses in the nonprofit world. Is continuous growth the hallmark of a successful charity? No, it’s just the opposite – the ultimate aim of a charity is to be extinct. Would you use volunteers if it actually cost more than hiring paid skilled staff? Yes, if engagement with the community is crucial. Call these examples, ironies, paradoxes or simply insights into why the charity sector is what it is. Doing Good Well is a thinking man’s guide to the nonprofit world. It is replete with nonprofit paradigms. It provides a different twist to what one might regard as straightforward notions such as mission, staff compensation, governance and corporate social responsibility. And it surprises and challenges even as it seeks to explain charity–specific issues such as charitableness, bridging the rich/poor divide, informed giving and social entrepreneurship. And as he deconstructs existing paradigms, Willie Cheng creates new ones. Through an easy writing style, hearty anecdotes and thought–provoking perspectives, Cheng engages the readers with a strategic review of not just the status quo but also the enormous potential in the nonprofit world. The theme of the book is change. Inasmuch as charities are about changing society for the better, this book seeks to set the stage for interesting introspection. Whether you are a volunteer, business executive, nonprofit worker, governor or regulator, it’s time to start asking the questions that would help the charity sector itself change for the better. In Cheng’s words, charity is no longer simply about "Just Doing Good" but "Doing Good Well."

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