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阿米塔夫•高希(Amitav Ghosh) 出生于加尔各答,成长于印度、孟加拉国和斯里兰卡等地。他从新德里大学毕业后,转而前往牛津大学研习社会人类学博士学位。他曾是田野工作者,也曾经任职记者,但最终他成为一个小说家,并且以其独有的人类学关怀、学者的丰富知识背景,以及细腻入微的描写,构成了当代印度英语文学重要的一部分。
自一九八六年出版第一部小说《理性环》(The Circle of Reason)之后,阿米塔夫•高希笔耕不辍,出版了《阴影线》(The Shadow Lines)、《加尔各答染色体》(The Calcutta Chromosome)、《玻璃宫殿》(The Glass Palace)、《饿潮》(The Hungry Tide),以及“朱鹭号”三部曲中的《罂粟海》和《烟河》(River of Smoke)等著作,并先后获得包括法国美第奇文学奖、印度国内最负盛名的文学奖挲诃德耶学院奖以及英国阿瑟•克拉克科幻奖等奖项。其中,《罂粟海》更是入围二〇〇八年英国曼布克奖决选名单,荣获二〇〇九年沃达丰字谜图书奖年度最佳小说,以及二〇〇九年印度广场金鹅毛笔最佳年度小说以及读者票选最受欢迎奖。
阿米塔夫•高希曾与二〇〇七年被印度总统授予印度最高荣誉“卓越贡献奖”(Padma Shri),还曾于二〇一〇年与著名作家玛格丽特•阿斯特伍德同获丹•大卫奖。
Praise for The Glass Palace: -- . 'Breathtaking ! Ghosh is a deeply serious writer, sure of his human and historical insights ! I cannot think of another contemporary writer with whom it would be so thrilling to go so far, so fast' -- The Times 'A splendid, exotic, panoramic saga, with fascinating detail about the period and the countries involved. Eminently readable, indeed a real page-turner' -- Publishing News 'A born storyteller ! never for a moment is the reader not propelled irresistibly forward to discover what happens next' -- Literary Review Praise for The Hungry Tide: -- . 'A marvellous novel ! an ambitious, absorbing, vivid, deeply involving story ! the narrative is full of excitement. Here is a thoughtful examination of what it means to be fully human' -- Sunday Times 'An exceptionally intricate and rich novel' -- Financial Times 'Ghosh probes the hearts of his characters and examines the nature of their identity ! the climax is a tremendous scene, but it is the haunting quality of this novel that stays in the memory' -- Sunday Telegraph
Praise for The Glass Palace:
(. )
‘Breathtaking … Ghosh is a deeply serious writer, sure of his human and historical insights … I cannot think of another contemporary writer with whom it would be so thrilling to go so far, so fast’
(The Times )
‘A splendid, exotic, panoramic saga, with fascinating detail about the period and the countries involved. Eminently readable, indeed a real page-turner’
(Publishing News )
‘A born storyteller … never for a moment is the reader not propelled irresistibly forward to discover what happens next’
(Literary Review )
Praise for The Hungry Tide:
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‘A marvellous novel … an ambitious, absorbing, vivid, deeply involving story … the narrative is full of excitement. Here is a thoughtful examination of what it means to be fully human’
(Sunday Times )
‘An exceptionally intricate and rich novel’
(Financial Times )
‘Ghosh probes the hearts of his characters and examines the nature of their identity … the climax is a tremendous scene, but it is the haunting quality of this novel that stays in the memory’
(Sunday Telegraph )
'A remarkably rich saga' --This text refers to the Hardcover edition.
'Each scene is boldly drawn, but it is the sheer energy and verve of Amitav Ghosh's storytelling that binds this ambitious medley'
--This text refers to the Hardcover edition.
你不得不承认这世界上有些书是有魔力的:拿起来就放不下,不看的时候经常心里想着,有时候忍不住偷偷往后翻,发现有了大结局的迹象又赶紧翻回来。终于看完了,长出一口气,又开始暗暗的回味里面的故事。 《罂粟之海》 (sea of poppies)就是这样的一本书。这是一个发生在大航...
评分 评分京东搞活动时订的还没到手,看介绍应该是我喜欢的历史惊险传奇类型 的,应该不错。国内出版的外国作家以鸦片战争为背景的小说好像很少,记得多年前有本《大班》的时代背景好像差不多也是类似的,这样的小说出版社为什么不大力宣传一下呢? 不知道第二部《烟河》什么时候出版?
Sea of Poppies 在线电子书 pdf 下载 txt下载 epub 下载 mobi 下载 2025