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Lecturing Birds on Flying

Pablo Triana 作者
2009-6-9 出版日期
400 页数
USD 29.95 价格
9780470406755 图书编码

Lecturing Birds on Flying 在线电子书 图书标签: 投资  Finance  金融  经济  Financial  Academics   

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Lecturing Birds on Flying 在线电子书 用户评价


completely a mess.....another example why some great intellectuals cannot write/ teach


completely a mess.....another example why some great intellectuals cannot write/ teach


completely a mess.....another example why some great intellectuals cannot write/ teach


completely a mess.....another example why some great intellectuals cannot write/ teach


completely a mess.....another example why some great intellectuals cannot write/ teach

Lecturing Birds on Flying 在线电子书 著者简介


l 西班牙艾萨德商学院教授,全球顶级金融专家,在金融行业担任各种职务。曾担任交易员和风险经理的工作约20年。

l 拥有马德里自治大学学士学位,纽约大学斯特恩商学院硕士学位,美利坚大学硕士学位。曾在西班牙IE商学院、美国约翰•霍普金斯大学任教。

l 研究领域极其广泛,涉及风险管理、衍生金融、银行监管等方面,曾出版畅销书《致命数字》(The Number that Killed Us)等,著作被众多国际著名的财经图书出版社出版。

l 为多家金融出版物撰稿,包括《金融时报》、福布斯网站、金融信息评论与分析网站Breakingviews.com,以及特别值得一提的《风险杂志》(Risk Magazine)。

l 在交易大厅里卖过衍生品,在大学里教授过衍生品,在金融机构做过衍生品的顾问,还认真思考过与衍生品有关的问题。

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Lecturing Birds on Flying 在线电子书 图书描述

An intriguing look at how financial models have repeatedly failed our markets, including now Leading and contrarian thinkers have been talking for years about the conflicts between theoretical and real finance. Nassim Taleb first addressed the issue in his technical treatise on options, Dynamic Hedging. Now, in Lecturing Birds on Flying, Pablo Triana moves the conversation to a narrative that anyone can follow, and explains how it is that theoretical finance can fail dramatically in the real world. The heart of the book, though, isn't about technicalities, but instead explores how widely accepted theories that are applied daily cause our world real harm. Many times, it's the quantitative models that hedge funds and investment banks use (and regulators and rating agencies embrace) that lead to market implosions. These so-called models end up offering false guidance and misplaced certainty, and sanction unsavory behavior. In fact, these models were largely responsible for the stock market crash of 1987, the LTCM crisis of 1998, the credit crisis of 2008, and many other blow-ups big and small. Pablo Triana has been writing about the limits of these types of mathematics for several years; now he reveals exactly what this means for our markets and why blind self-enslavement to quantitative dictums puts us at great peril. Pablo Triana (New York, NY, and Madrid, Spain) has successful derivatives experience at all levels: trading floor, professor, consultant, and author. He is a frequent contributor to business publications, including the Financial Times, Forbes.com, Breakingviews, and Risk magazine, among others. His prior book is Corporate Derivatives. Triana holds a master of science from New York University, Stern and an MA from American University.

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