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Communicating for a Change

Andy Stanley 作者
Multnomah Books
2006-06-01 出版日期
208 頁數
USD 19.99 價格
9781590525142 圖書編碼

Communicating for a Change 在線電子書 圖書標籤: teaching  preaching  communicating  溝通  AndyStanley   

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Communicating for a Change 在線電子書 用戶評價




i love the analogues used in the book. Preaching is really like driving a truck.




Before we talk about how to communicate, we need to talk about why to communicate. 感謝神,感謝Andy Stanley,我要好好寫寫這本書的書評。


i love the analogues used in the book. Preaching is really like driving a truck.

Communicating for a Change 在線電子書 著者簡介

Communicating for a Change 在線電子書 著者簡介

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Communicating for a Change 在線電子書 圖書描述

When You Talk, Are People Changed?

Whether you speak from the pulpit, podium, or the front of a classroom, you don’t need much more than blank stares and faraway looks to tell you you’re not connecting. Take heart before your audience takes leave! You can convey your message in the powerful, life-changing way it deserves to be told. An insightful, entertaining parable that’s an excellent guide for any speaker, Communicating for a Change takes a simple approach to delivering effectively. Join Pastor Ray as he discovers that the secrets to successful speaking are parallel to the lessons a trucker learns on the road. By knowing your destination before you leave (identifying the one basic premise of your message), using your blinkers (making transitions obvious), and implementing five other practical points, you’ll drive your message home every time!

“Long ago, in a galaxy far, far away…”

“Once upon a time…”

“In the beginning…”

Great stories capture and hold an audience’s attention from start to finish. Why should it be any different when you stand up to speak?

In Communicating for a Change, Andy Stanley and Lane Jones offer a unique strategy for communicators seeking to deliver captivating and practical messages. In this highly creative presentation, the authors unpack seven concepts that will empower you to engage and impact your audience in a way that leaves them wanting more.

“Whether you are a senior pastor with weekly teaching responsibilities or a student pastor who has bern charged with engaging the hearts and minds of high school students, this book is a must-read.”

Bill Hybels

Senior pastor, Willow Creak Community Church

“A very practical resource for every biblical communicator who wants to go from good to great.”

Ed Young

Senior pastor, Fellowship Church, Grapevine, Texas

“To communicate effectively, you have to connect. Andy has been connecting with people for years, and now he’s sharing his insights with the rest of us.”

Jeff Foxworthy



In Communicating for a Change , Andy Stanley shares the seven imperatives that define his approach to challenging people’s minds in order to change their lives: Determine Your Goal Pick a Point Create a Map Internalize the Message Engage Your Audience Find Your Voice Start All Over

These seven concepts will simplify your approach to communication and transform your sermons, lessons, and presentations into powerful life-changing experiences for your listeners.

Story Behind the Book

Andy Stanley and Lane Jones are on staff at one of America ’s largest churches, North Point Community. Leaders of thousands of people, they regularly speak in front of large groups. They also listen to numerous speakers and know the disastrous effects of a poorly delivered message. This book is the result of their efforts to make public speaking—one of the most common fear-inducing activities known to mankind—simple, easy, and even enjoyable, so that God’s messages will readily produce the life-changing results they should.

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Communicating for a Change 在線電子書 讀後感


读完此书,再回过头看自己过去写过的文章,发过的牢骚,顿时发现自己的沟通技巧是如此苍白。我常常自以为说得头头是道,旁征博引的文章,原来最后并没有把读者带到沟通的终点站,而只是自恋式的原地踏步罢了。所以,我得好好总结自己过去在沟通中犯的错误,并吸取前车之鉴。 ...


读完此书,再回过头看自己过去写过的文章,发过的牢骚,顿时发现自己的沟通技巧是如此苍白。我常常自以为说得头头是道,旁征博引的文章,原来最后并没有把读者带到沟通的终点站,而只是自恋式的原地踏步罢了。所以,我得好好总结自己过去在沟通中犯的错误,并吸取前车之鉴。 ...


读完此书,再回过头看自己过去写过的文章,发过的牢骚,顿时发现自己的沟通技巧是如此苍白。我常常自以为说得头头是道,旁征博引的文章,原来最后并没有把读者带到沟通的终点站,而只是自恋式的原地踏步罢了。所以,我得好好总结自己过去在沟通中犯的错误,并吸取前车之鉴。 ...


读完此书,再回过头看自己过去写过的文章,发过的牢骚,顿时发现自己的沟通技巧是如此苍白。我常常自以为说得头头是道,旁征博引的文章,原来最后并没有把读者带到沟通的终点站,而只是自恋式的原地踏步罢了。所以,我得好好总结自己过去在沟通中犯的错误,并吸取前车之鉴。 ...


读完此书,再回过头看自己过去写过的文章,发过的牢骚,顿时发现自己的沟通技巧是如此苍白。我常常自以为说得头头是道,旁征博引的文章,原来最后并没有把读者带到沟通的终点站,而只是自恋式的原地踏步罢了。所以,我得好好总结自己过去在沟通中犯的错误,并吸取前车之鉴。 ...

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