Free Market Madness 在线电子书 图书标签: 经济 行为金融学 經濟學 直觉 思维 心理學
Free Market Madness 在线电子书 pdf 下载 txt下载 epub 下载 mobi 下载 2025
Humans just aren't entirely rational creatures.
We decide to roll over and hit the snooze button instead of going to the gym. We take out home loans we can't possibly afford. And did you know that people named Paul are more likely to move to St. Paul than other cities? All too often, our subconscious causes us to act against our own self-interest.
But our free-market economy is based on the assumption that we always do act in our own self-interest. In this provocative book, physician Peter Ubel uses his understanding of psychology and behavior to show that in some cases government must regulate markets for our own health and well-being. And by understanding and controlling the factors that go into our decisions, big and small, we can all begin to stop the damage we do to our bodies, our finances, and our economy as a whole.
Ubel's vivid stories bring his message home for anyone interested in improving the way our society works.
在经济学里有一个重要的假设就是理性人假设,意思是人假如能够具有理智,总会选择对自己有利的行为,无数人都选择对自己有利的行为,就可以导致市场在总体上达到均衡,政府所要做的事情,就是无为而治。 要这么说,最早发现市场经济政府作用游戏规则的不是斯密,是老子。 当...
评分封面装帧很漂亮,又是经济读物,一冲动就借了。一看开头,晕了,动不动就亚当·斯密跟他的《国富论》,继续装。看到中段,才恍然大悟作者聊的不过就是行为决策学。但这语言,好枯燥啊。还不如,我再看一遍《影响力》或者《别做正常的傻瓜》咧。 101123上外公家
评分最近在看一本书-------《直觉》。彼得`乌比尔写的,我是周末在图书馆书架上随便抽出来的。 撇开这本书不谈,先讲下我最近的另一种状态-------迷上淘宝 好吧,我承认,现在处于这种状态确实不是什么光荣的事。首先,“淘宝”这两字就揭露了女人的弱性(尤其是我这种宅女)。其次...
评分我以为我会做出对自己绝对有利的决定,可事实确实短期的自我打败了长期的自我。做一个延迟满足者往往需要更多的毅力和决心,而大多数人是很难做到的,我们一直每天都在作选择,吃什么,吃或者不吃,早上几点起床,晚上几点睡觉,这些问题无时无刻不在困扰着我们。 ...
评分书中写的许多的内容都很有意思。像描述手或胳膊的动作所反映的心理状况之类。 不过,我还是要说一点,作者很喜欢用“他那举世闻名的XXXX动作”这一语句。如果单纯地描述某一动作,可能会让读者很自然的接受,然后根据自己的判断力来分析作者所列举的这个“动作”是如何一种模样...
Free Market Madness 在线电子书 pdf 下载 txt下载 epub 下载 mobi 下载 2025