The Go-Go Years 在线电子书 图书标签: 中央 75
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JOHN BROOKS was an award-winning New Yorker staff writer and author of several critically acclaimed explorations of business and Wall Street, including Once in Golconda (a Wiley Investment Classic), The Games Players, Business Adventures, and The Fate of the Edsel.
The 1960s was one of Wall Street's most speculative eras. These were the years of growth and performance - of gunslingers, the youth revolution, mutual funds, new-issue stocks, creative accounting, Chinese money, and the conglomerates. In this tumultuous environment, the multitudes of small investors thrived and multiplied only later to diminish in the devastating market crashes of the 1970s. In his book, Brooks chronicles this era while educating readers about the take-off growth sprees of Wall Street's 1960s and the crashes of the 1970s, reminding today's investors that Wall Street has always been a source of hope, havoc, and hyperbole.
标签:金融史,交易 风格有点象《门口的野蛮人》和《贼巢》。讲述了人们在疯狂的牛市中的疯狂的行为,贪婪,赤裸裸的欺诈和无休止的投机…. 贪婪是造成历次金融危机的根源。从这个角度上看,人类是无法阻止金融危机的再次爆发的。因为人永远无法改变贪婪的本性
评分“华尔街就是……主街”,约翰•S•戈登在《伟大的博弈》中这样描述华尔街在美国经济生活中发挥的重要作用,而使华尔街成为主街的时间是1938年至1968年。 如果你不满足于《伟大的博弈》对主街过于浮光掠影的描述,那么,不要紧,你可以在《沸腾的岁月》中将历史的...
评分在环球股市高歌急进的当口,看《沸腾的岁月》这本书似乎有些不合时宜,因为这是一本描述上个世界六十年代美国股市从兴起到崩盘的十年(Go-go Years)。崩盘的结果大家都已经看到,结果不可谓不惨痛,1970年到1979年整整十年股市惨淡不已,直到1980年股市才牛市重临。 但...
评分看完觉得历史真是在重复中前进呀,68,69,70,明年就要到70了吧。干啥都说不走人家的老路子,可实际都在踩着前人的脚印。 买基金也有一段了,买之后才想着看点书,有点晚,本来基金就买的晚了,总是后知后觉啊。这几个月逐渐给自己约法三章: 1.止损止赢。最忌一个贪字啊。 2....
评分深成指站上1万点 一览众山小 和讯这个标题和内容一样煽情.这个日子谁也没有想到来得这么快。看看他们是怎么写的: 深证成分指数自1994年7月20日“诞生”以来,历经13年风风雨雨,其间不知道有多少人为它沮丧,为它哭泣,但在今天这一时刻,它让大家尽展欢颜!一览众山小...
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