The Drucker Difference 在线电子书 图书标签: 管理吧 管理 【复礼】领管 English
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曾任Nielsen媒介研究(中国)公司战略分析总监、Dumbar Branding公司策略总监、Interbrand公司高级品牌顾问、Kipany公司营销运营经理和上海大学广告学院讲师。曾在美国工作多年,为美国联合利华、NEC、纽约时报、AT&T和Verizon等公司提供过广告策划、市场调研、直复营销和呼叫中心管理等方面的专业服务。出版过《广告文案写作技巧》、《三位一体的商务智能》、《营销:美国故事+中国启示》和《美国故事中国启示——新环境下的企业竞争力》等著作。出版过《销售创造奇迹》、《向顶尖CEO学创新》、《向顶尖CEO学营销》、《多面希拉里》、《石头剪刀布——日常生活中的博弈论》、《“吃”不消》、《丰田领导者》和《美丽战争——化妆品巨头全球争霸史》等多本译作,是《销售与市场》和《新营销》杂志的特约撰稿人。
Why Drucker's Ideas Matter More Now than Ever "This book is an excellent way to understand how Drucker's ideas apply to today's dilemmas, be they theproblems faced by organizations, by governments, or by individuals." -from the Foreword, by Charles Handy "This compilation of smart essays on the 'Drucker difference' illustrates how astonishingly wide the wings ofDrucker's wisdom have spread. We all stand gratefully in his shadows, silent in awe." -Warren Bennis, Professor Emeritus, University of Southern California "Peter Drucker is more than a 'management writer.' He literally created the foundation on which a FunctioningSociety rests. In The Drucker Difference, Peter's closest colleagues extend and amplify his tour de force body ofideas and ideals. It is the next step forward." -Bob Buford, Chairman, The Drucker Institute, and Founder, Leadership Network "Much has been written by and about my friend and mentor, Peter Drucker. But this book is different. It is writtenby those who knew and understood him as friends and faculty colleagues and reflects his thoughts andprinciples as they are currently being taught to those who will be making a difference for tomorrow." -C. William Pollard, Chairman Emeritus, The ServiceMaster Company "Hats off to the Drucker faculty members for putting the tacit knowledge they gained from working together withPeter Drucker into explicit knowledge through the publication of this book." -Ikujiro Nonaka, Professor Emeritus, Hitotsubashi University, Japan, andXerox Distinguished Faculty Scholar, University of California at Berkeley "The Drucker Difference is a unique book that enables present and future executives to capitalize onPeter Drucker's wisdom and to comprehend that knowledge from an entirely new perspective." -Minglo Shao, Chairman, Bright China About the Book: Peter F. Drucker was one of the mostinfluential business thinkers in history. Consideredthe father of modern management, hewas concerned not only with the human sideof management, but also with the larger societalroles played by both companies and theindividuals within them. If there has ever been a timewhen such thinkers are relevant, it is now. The Drucker Difference casts new light onDrucker's business philosophy, analyzing hismost important ideas in the context of today'sbusiness world. Through individual contributionsby professors from The Peter F. Druckerand Masatoshi Ito Graduate School of Management,it combines expert insight andcurrent scholarship to reveal how organizationsand executives can interpret and applyDrucker's timeless ideas. Today's top business thinkers provide sixteenchapters analyzing Drucker's views on themost critical issues of our time, including: Government, business, and civil society(Ira Jackson) The interplay of values and power withincompanies (Karen E. Linkletter andJoseph A. Maciariello) Applying collaboration to "knowledge work"(Craig L. Pearce) Drucker's management vision (Richard Smith) Economic environment, innovation, and industrydynamics (Hideki Yamawaki) Each contributor explains a single, classicaspect of Drucker's work, examines its implicationsin today's business environment, andapplies an up-to-date and contemporary interpretationof Drucker's wisdom. Covering everything from marketing andleadership to strategy and governance, TheDrucker Difference is both a timely newassessment and a valuable addition to the canonof Drucker literature.
评分作为上世纪的管理宗师,德鲁克的管理思想影响深远。上个世纪80年代,“德鲁克的管理革命”席卷西方,向德鲁克学习成为当时业界最为响亮的口号。在德鲁克思想影响下,西方诞生了杰克•韦尔奇、安迪•葛洛夫、比尔•盖茨等企业领袖。 尽管德鲁克在多家商业机构有过丰富...
评分以前也曾看过德鲁克相关的书籍,偏管理类的基础理论,也不乏人文主义色彩。 本书作者之一,约瑟夫A马洽列洛,是德鲁克的朋友,曾为德鲁克代过课,据说这本书的得来也是一门名为“德鲁克的管理智慧”的课程。约瑟夫与德鲁克很熟,并与之合著出版书籍,一直是德鲁克学院教授,...
评分德鲁克影响了谁? 评《德鲁克的管理智慧》 谁能死而不朽?左传言:太上有立德,其次有立功,其次有立言;虽久不废,此之谓不朽。用中国人的思维判断,德鲁克先生已经可以列入“不朽”的人物榜中了:他著有39部著作可以代替他的言论,他的管理思想不仅为很多企业提供帮助,更是...
评分对于彼特德鲁克这样的大师而言,每年新出版和再版的图书实在是多如牛毛,那么怎么在这些书中筛选到自己需求的书呢? 我觉得重点就在于创新,与时俱进的一种状态。 自然,我认为本书就拥有这样的一种状态。用更接近生活的语言来解读大师。虽然解读这个词早就被用烂了,但我还...
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