「人を殺してはいけない」と子どもに教えるには 在線電子書 pdf 下載 txt下載 epub 下載 mobi 下載 2025


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「人を殺してはいけない」と子どもに教えるには 在線電子書 epub 下載 mobi 下載 pdf 下載 txt 下載 2025

「人を殺してはいけない」と子どもに教えるには 在線電子書 epub 下載 pdf 下載 mobi 下載 txt 下載 2025

「人を殺してはいけない」と子どもに教えるには 在線電子書 pdf 下載 txt下載 epub 下載 mobi 下載 2025

「人を殺してはいけない」と子どもに教えるには 在線電子書 用戶評價


這書名讓人糾結無比:《教你的孩子懂得“為什麼不能殺人”》 先是覺得猛,看定瞭又覺得討論這種理所當然的事很蠢,再看定又覺得倒好像不是一件那麼理所當然的事


這書名讓人糾結無比:《教你的孩子懂得“為什麼不能殺人”》 先是覺得猛,看定瞭又覺得討論這種理所當然的事很蠢,再看定又覺得倒好像不是一件那麼理所當然的事


這書名讓人糾結無比:《教你的孩子懂得“為什麼不能殺人”》 先是覺得猛,看定瞭又覺得討論這種理所當然的事很蠢,再看定又覺得倒好像不是一件那麼理所當然的事


這書名讓人糾結無比:《教你的孩子懂得“為什麼不能殺人”》 先是覺得猛,看定瞭又覺得討論這種理所當然的事很蠢,再看定又覺得倒好像不是一件那麼理所當然的事


這書名讓人糾結無比:《教你的孩子懂得“為什麼不能殺人”》 先是覺得猛,看定瞭又覺得討論這種理所當然的事很蠢,再看定又覺得倒好像不是一件那麼理所當然的事

「人を殺してはいけない」と子どもに教えるには 在線電子書 著者簡介

「人を殺してはいけない」と子どもに教えるには 在線電子書 著者簡介

「人を殺してはいけない」と子どもに教えるには 在線電子書 pdf 下載 txt下載 epub 下載 mobi 在線電子書下載

「人を殺してはいけない」と子どもに教えるには 在線電子書 圖書描述






Book Description

This is a complete resource kit for groups of all sizes which will help parents take strides toward bringing control to an out-of-control family life, setting limits while still being a loving parent--and above all, instilling in children the godly character that is the foundation for healthy, productive adult living.

--このテキストは、 Product Bundle 版に関連付けられています。

From the Publisher

Since the 1992 release of their Gold Medallion Award-winning book, Boundaries, Drs. Henry Cloud and John Townsend have heard these three questions rephrased thousands of times. As parents begin to realize the tremendous impact poor boundaries have had on their own lives, their concern naturally extends to their children. How can they help their sons and daughters form healthy boundaries that lead to well-rounded characters and successful adult lives? Now there are answers. Boundaries with Kids helps parents apply the Ten Laws of Boundaries (first described in Boundaries) to the challenges of raising children. In their popular, readable style, Cloud and Townsend help moms and dads make choices and develop a parenting approach that sees beyond the moment to the adults their children will become. For parents who want their kids to escape the struggles they themselves have experienced, here's an in-depth look at how to implement the preventive medicine of character development by establishing sound boundaries--starting with the parents. Boundaries with Kids helps moms and dads learn how to bring control to an out-of-control family life set limits and still be loving parents define what legitimate boundaries are in the family transfer what they are learning as parents to help their children develop healthy boundaries. Illustrating its points with numerous case studies and anecdotes, Boundaries with Kids gives parents the can-do guidance they need in order to model healthy boundaries for their kids. This book may well be the best investment parents will ever make into the lifelong welfare of their children.

--このテキストは、 ハードカバー 版に関連付けられています。

From the Back Cover

A video resource kit that helps parents bring control to their family and instill godly character in their children

This ZondervanGroupwareª curriculum is a complete resource kit for helping parents put into practice the principles detailed in the book Boundaries with Kids. Drs. Henry Cloud and John Townsend take parents through the ins and outs of establishing family boundaries and cultivating sound character in their children.

The video features presentations by the authors as well as dramatic vignettes. The 8 sessions can be used in large or small groups and are presented in a new test-proven small group interactive format. The complete ZondervanGroupwareª kit includes one leader's guide, one participant's guide, one Boundaries with Kids softcover book, one VHS video, and one DVD. Each element except the videos is also sold separately. An 8-Session Focus on Boundaries and Kids

--このテキストは、 Product Bundle 版に関連付けられています。

About the Author

Dr. Henry Cloud is a popular speaker, licensed psychologist, cohost of the nationally broadcast "New Life Live!" radio program, and cofounder of Cloud-Townsend Clinic and Cloud-Townsend Resources. He graduated with a doctorate in clinical psychology from Rosemead Graduate School of Psychology at Biola University, and maintains a private practice in Newport Beach, California. He is the best-selling co-author of several books, including "How People Grow", "Boundaries in Dating", "Boundaries with Kids", and the Gold Medallion Award-winning "Boundaries" and "Boundaries in Marriage".;Dr. John Townsend is a popular speaker, licensed psychologist, cohost of the nationally broadcast "New Life Live!" radio program, cofounder of Cloud-Townsend Clinic and cloud-Townsend Resources. Both graduated with doctorates in clinical psychology from Rosemead Graduate School of Psychology at Biola University, and both maintain private practices in Newport Beach, California. He is the best-selling coauthor of several books, including "How People Grow", "Boundaries in Dating", "Boundaries with Kids", and the Gold Medallion Award-winning "Boundaries" and "Boundaries in Marriage".


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飯塚 真奈美


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