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Discovering Statistics Using SPSS

Andy Field 作者
SAGE Publications Ltd
2009-01-21 出版日期
856 页数
GBP 64.00 价格
9781847879073 图书编码

Discovering Statistics Using SPSS 在线电子书 图书标签: SPSS  统计学  数据分析  统计  研究方法  statistics  工具书  数学   

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可以用来砸人的书,天天背它去学校可以当负重练习了>.< 一开始入门的时候社么都不知道,满脑子迷糊,一个学期下来,发现已经能找出一堆数据中潜在的联系,用各种main analysis分析数据,真的好有成就感啊!我开始体会到学计量的同志们的乐趣了,难道我其实也love numbers!? 哈哈不太可能吧。。。







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Discovering Statistics Using SPSS 在线电子书 图书描述

'In this brilliant new edition, Andy Field has introduced important new introductory material on statistics that the student will need and was missing at least in the first edition. This book is the best blend that I know of a textbook in statistics and a manual on SPSS. It is a balanced composite of both topics, using SPSS to illustrate important statistical material and, through graphics, to make visible important approaches to data analysis. There are many places in the book where I had to laugh, and that's saying a lot for a book on statistics. His excellent style engages the reader and makes reading about statistics fun' - David C Howell, Professor Emeritus, University of Vermont, USA. This award-winning text, now fully updated with SPSS Statistics, is the only book on statistics that you will need! Fully revised and restructured, this new edition is even more accessible as it now takes students through from introductory to advanced level concepts, all the while grounding knowledge through the use of SPSS Statistics. Andy Field's humorous and self-deprecating style and the book's host of characters make the journey entertaining as well as educational. While still providing a very comprehensive collection of statistical methods, tests and procedures, and packed with examples and self-assessment tests to reinforce knowledge, the new edition now also offers: a more gentle introduction to basic-level concepts and methods for beginners; new textbook features to make the book more user-friendly for those learning about more advanced concepts, encouraging 'critical thinking'; a brand new, full-colour design, making it easy for students to navigate between topics, and to understand how to use the latest version of SPSS Statistics; both 'real world' (the bizarre and the wonderful) and invented examples that illustrate the concepts and make the techniques come alive for students; an additional chapter on multilevel modelling for advanced-level students; and, reinforced binding to make the book easier to handle at a computer workstation. The book also includes access to a brand new and improved companion Website, bursting with features including: animated 'SPSS walk-through' videos clearly demonstrating how to use the latest SPSS Statistics modules; self-marking multiple choice questions; data sets for psychology, business and management and health sciences; a flash-card glossary for testing knowledge of key concepts; and, access to support material from SAGE study skills books. Statistics lecturers are also provided with a whole range of resources and teaching aids, including: the test bank; over 300 multiple-choice questions ready to upload to WebCT, Blackboard or other virtual learning environments; charts and diagrams in electronic format for inclusion in lecture slides; and, PowerPoint slides written by the author to accompany chapters of the text.

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很生动的语音 像我这种属于痛恨statistic的女生 都会觉得 能看到希望似的 那么 就真的很不错


Kruskal-Wallis撸不下去了,写个书评换个脑子。 背着这本保守估计有两公斤的书各处跑来跑去也有好多天了,我们建立起了深刻的革命友谊。而且我还因为它被图书馆罚了两磅,心疼%>_<% 关于数据,我一开始是撸被称之为Legend in Marketing的Malhotra的Marketing Research,顺便...  


很生动的语音 像我这种属于痛恨statistic的女生 都会觉得 能看到希望似的 那么 就真的很不错


很生动的语音 像我这种属于痛恨statistic的女生 都会觉得 能看到希望似的 那么 就真的很不错


很生动的语音 像我这种属于痛恨statistic的女生 都会觉得 能看到希望似的 那么 就真的很不错

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