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What Makes a Terrorist

Alan B. Krueger 作者
Princeton University Press
2008-9-22 出版日期
208 頁數
USD 20.95 價格
9780691138756 圖書編碼

What Makes a Terrorist 在線電子書 圖書標籤: 政治經濟學  社會學  恐怖主義  法律  文化史  曆史  政治學  感興趣   

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因為斯裏蘭卡恐襲,纔想到要讀這本聞名已久卻一直未曾讀的名著。Alan Krueger韆古!




因為斯裏蘭卡恐襲,纔想到要讀這本聞名已久卻一直未曾讀的名著。Alan Krueger韆古!


因為斯裏蘭卡恐襲,纔想到要讀這本聞名已久卻一直未曾讀的名著。Alan Krueger韆古!



What Makes a Terrorist 在線電子書 著者簡介

Alan B. Krueger is the Bendheim Professor of Economics and Public Policy at Princeton University and an adviser to the National Counter-terrorism Center. He is the coauthor of Inequality in America: What Role for Human Capital Policies?and Myth and Measurement: The New Economics of the Minimum Wage (Princeton).

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What Makes a Terrorist 在線電子書 圖書描述

Many popular ideas about terrorists and why they seek to harm us are fueled by falsehoods and misinformation. Leading politicians and scholars have argued that poverty and lack of education breed terrorism, despite the wealth of evidence showing that most terrorists come from middle-class, and often college-educated, backgrounds. In "What Makes a Terrorist", Alan Krueger argues that if we are to correctly assess the root causes of terrorism and successfully address the threat, we must think more like economists do. Krueger is an influential economist who has applied rigorous statistical analysis to a range of tough issues, from the minimum wage and education to the occurrence of hate crimes.In this book, he explains why our tactics in the fight against terrorism must be based on more than anecdote and speculation. Krueger closely examines the factors that motivate individuals to participate in terrorism, drawing inferences from terrorists' own backgrounds and the economic, social, and political conditions in the societies from which they come. He describes which countries are the most likely breeding grounds for terrorists, and which ones are most likely to be their targets. Krueger addresses the economic and psychological consequences of terrorism. He puts the terrorist threat squarely into perspective, revealing how our nation's sizeable economy is diverse and resilient enough to withstand the comparatively limited effects of most terrorist strikes. And he calls on the media to be more responsible in reporting on terrorism. "What Makes a Terrorist" brings needed clarity to one of the greatest challenges of our time.

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