What the Drug Companies Won't Tell You and Your Doctor Doesn't Know 在線電子書 pdf 下載 txt下載 epub 下載 mobi 下載 2025

What the Drug Companies Won't Tell You and Your Doctor Doesn't Know

Michael T. Murray 作者
2010-05-04 出版日期
352 頁數
USD 15.00 價格
9781416549390 圖書編碼

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What the Drug Companies Won't Tell You and Your Doctor Doesn't Know 在線電子書 著者簡介

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What the Drug Companies Won't Tell You and Your Doctor Doesn't Know 在線電子書 圖書描述

From one of today's leading authorities on natural medicine comes a provocative look into how the pharmaceutical and medical industries have created our current health crisis and a practical guide to the holistic treatments that may help you and your loved ones. Modern medicine offers many wonders, but an ever-present reliance on medications to cure what ails us is at the core of America's health crisis. Drawing on more than thirty years' worth of scientific research, Dr. Michael T. Murray has assembled irrefutable evidence that the pharmaceutical treatments for the most common diseases that plague our society are often ineffective and result in serious, widespread side effects -- the existence of which is frequently hidden from the public. What the Drug Companies Won't Tell You and Your Doctor Doesn't Know offers a close look at the way that the American healthcare system has evolved in the last fifty years and examines the roles of the FDA, the pharmaceutical monopolies, and the medical community in producing what has become a failing healthcare system with little accountability. Dr. Murray illustrates how a nationwide dependence on pills has hobbled health in America and resulted in a national wellness epidemic as lifestyle, ignorance, and politics collide in our medicine cabinets. At a time when adverse reactions to over-the-counter and prescription drugs are currently estimated to kill more than 100,000 Americans a year (making this the fourth leading cause of death in the United States behind cancer, heart disease, and stroke) and when Americans use more than 40 percent of all of the prescription drugs produced in the world each year (according to the World Health Organization) yet are forty-second in terms of life expectancy, we must radically reevaluate the way that we take care of ourselves. Both a call to arms and a practical guide to the natural treatments that could revolutionize both your health and the well-being of the entire nation, What the Drug Companies Won't Tell You and Your Doctor Doesn't Know provides clear guidance on the steps needed to help you lead a fitter, happier, and healthier life.

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