Sustainable Communities - A New Design Synthesis for Cities, Suburbs and Towns 在線電子書 pdf 下載 txt下載 epub 下載 mobi 下載 2024

Sustainable Communities - A New Design Synthesis for Cities, Suburbs and Towns

Sim Van der Ryn 作者
Sierra Club Books
1991-8-13 出版日期
238 頁數
USD 20.00 價格
9780871566294 圖書編碼

Sustainable Communities - A New Design Synthesis for Cities, Suburbs and Towns 在線電子書 圖書標籤: 城市   

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Sustainable Communities - A New Design Synthesis for Cities, Suburbs and Towns 在線電子書 著者簡介

Peter Calthorpe has been instrumental in redefining the models of urban and suburban growth in America over the past three decades. His long and honored career in urban design, planning, and architecture began in 1976, combining his experience in each discipline to develop new approaches to urban revitalization, suburban growth, and regional planning.

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Sustainable Communities - A New Design Synthesis for Cities, Suburbs and Towns 在線電子書 圖書描述

This classic text is a practical vision of how different types of communities can make the transition to a sustainable way of life that balances production and consumption, reduces resource waste and produces long-term social and ecological health.

Our old patterns of growth are built on isolation—an isolation from the environment, an isolation between activities and ultimately an isolation between individuals. Whether city or suburb, these qualities of isolation are the same. Buildings ignore climate and place, uses are zoned into separate areas, and individuals are isolated by a lack of convivial public places. Sustainable patterns break down the separations; buildings respond to the climate rather than overpowering it, mixed uses draw activities and people together, and shared spaces reestablish community.— from Sustainable Communities

This classic text is a practical vision of how different types of communities can make the transition to a sustainable way of life that balances production and consumption, reduces resource waste and produces long-term social and ecological health. Our old patterns of growth are built on isolation—an isolation from the environment, an isolation between activities and ultimately an isolation between individuals. Whether city or suburb, these qualities of isolation are the same. Buildings ignore climate and place, uses are zoned into separate areas, and individuals are isolated by a lack of convivial public places. Sustainable patterns break down the separations; buildings respond to the climate rather than overpowering it, mixed uses draw activities and people together, and shared spaces reestablish community. -from Sustainable Communities

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