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The Storytelling Animal

Jonathan Gottschall 作者
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt (HMH)
2012-4-10 出版日期
272 页数
GBP 15.03 价格
9780547391403 图书编码

The Storytelling Animal 在线电子书 图书标签: Storytelling  人性  讲故事  进化心理学  美国文学  人文  闲书  英文版   

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The Storytelling Animal 在线电子书 用户评价


Intensely insightful! In his uniquely witty and open style, J.G. explains, in my view, one of the most profound human instincts - the story-telling and story-consuming instinct. Though the books is short, it also concisely explores themes like sleep, national myths, and games. Totally worth the time!






beauty instinct , spent 的续集



The Storytelling Animal 在线电子书 著者简介

Jonathan Gottschall teaches English at Washington & Jefferson College and is one of the leading figures in the movement toward a more scientific humanities. The author or editor of five scholarly books, Gottschall’s work has been prominently featured in The New York Times Magazine, Scientific American, and The Chronicle of Higher Education, among others. Steven Pinker has called him "a brilliant young scholar" whose writing is "unfailingly clear, witty, and exciting."

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The Storytelling Animal 在线电子书 图书描述

Humans live in landscapes of make-believe: we spin fantasies, we devour novels, films, and plays, and even our sporting events and criminal trials unfold as narratives. Yet the world of story has long remained an undiscovered and unmapped country. It’s easy to say that humans are “wired” for story, but why?

In this delightful and original book, Jonathan Gottschall offers the first unified theory of storytelling. He argues that stories are a way of rehearsing life’s complex social problems.Our penchant for story has evolved, like other behaviors, to enhance our survival, and, crucially, that of our social group. (In fact, studies show that people who read fiction are more empathetic.) Gottschall explores the deep pattern in children’s make-believe, and what that reveals about story’s prehistoric origins. He shows how a story was partly responsible for Hitler’s rise, how schizophrenia is an example of the story mind run amok, and how successful fiction is inherently moral. We are master shapers of story. The Storytelling Animal finally reveals how stories shape us.

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The Storytelling Animal 在线电子书 读后感


前言 说故事、听故事不只是休闲娱乐 统计学家都同意,只要能够抓到一群长生不老的猴子,把牠们跟打字机关在一起, 任牠们不断狂敲键盘,经过很长很长一段时间之后,这些猴子终会誊写出一本完美的《哈姆雷特》副本,每一个句号、逗点、“誓言”几乎都会落在正确的位置上。不过,...  


书名错了! 故事如何改變你的大腦?透過閱讀小說、觀看電影,大腦模擬未知情境的生存本能 出版社: 木馬 (2014年1月1日) 平装 ISBN: 9863590266 条形码: 9789863590262 品牌: 木馬 ASIN: 9863590266



作者Jonathan开篇谈到infinite monkey theorem,谈到Amy Plowman做实验给猴子计算机来做实验,然后发现猴子只会搞破坏,说“show that the infinite monkey theory is flawed”。我从未见过如此愚蠢的zoologist,原定理只是用于表达随机性在无限时间下的威力,这个Amy竟然从字...  



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