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Making Sense of People

Samuel Barondes 作者
FT Press
2011-7-2 出版日期
240 頁數
USD 25.99 價格
9780132172608 圖書編碼

Making Sense of People 在線電子書 圖書標籤: 心理學  人格心理  Psychology  心理    kara  Psych  EB   

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how to make sense of people: traits (Big Five with 6*5 facets), patterns (Top Ten), three domains of character (self-directedness, cooperativeness, and self-transcendence), and their life stories


how to make sense of people: traits (Big Five with 6*5 facets), patterns (Top Ten), three domains of character (self-directedness, cooperativeness, and self-transcendence), and their life stories


how to make sense of people: traits (Big Five with 6*5 facets), patterns (Top Ten), three domains of character (self-directedness, cooperativeness, and self-transcendence), and their life stories


還行。Big five及其相關特徵搞清楚這本書就看得差不多瞭。


how to make sense of people: traits (Big Five with 6*5 facets), patterns (Top Ten), three domains of character (self-directedness, cooperativeness, and self-transcendence), and their life stories

Making Sense of People 在線電子書 著者簡介


塞繆爾•巴倫德斯(Samuel Barondes):美國加利福尼亞大學心理學教授,神經生物和心理治療中心主任,前美國國傢心理健康研究學院科學顧問董事會主席,國際知名的精神病專傢和神經科學傢。他先後就學、受訓、任職於哥倫比亞大學、哈佛大學以及美國國傢健康研究院,發錶瞭200餘篇研究論文,獲得過多項榮譽,是醫學協會、美國藝術和科學學術研究會成員。除瞭研究性著作之外,巴倫德斯還為大眾寫瞭三部有關心理治療方麵的讀物:《分子和心理疾病》、《情緒基因》、《勝過百憂解》。他和妻子Louann Brizendine現住在加利福尼亞的索薩利托。

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Making Sense of People 在線電子書 圖書描述

Every day, we evaluate the people around us: It's one of the most important things we ever do. Making Sense of People provides the scientific frameworks and tools we need to improve our intuition, and assess people more consciously, systematically, and effectively. Leading neuroscientist Samuel H. Barondes explains the research behind each standard personality category: extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, neuroticism, and openness. He shows readers how to use these traits and assessments to do a better job of deciding who they'll enjoy spending time with, whom to trust, and whom to keep at a distance. Barondes explains: * What neuroscience and psychological research can tell us about how personality types develop and cohere. * The intertwined roles of genes, nurture, and education in personality development. * How to recognize troublesome personality patterns such as narcissism, sociopathy, and paranoia. * How much a child's behavior predicts their adult personality, and how personality stabilizes in young adulthood. * How to assess integrity, fairness, wisdom, and other traits related to morality. * What genetic testing may (or may not) teach us about personality in the future. * General strategies for getting along with people, with specific tactics for special circumstances. Kirkus Reviews A succinct look at personality psychology. As a psychiatrist and neuroscientist at the University of California, Barondes (Molecules and Mental Illness, 2007, etc.) has spent years studying human behavior, and this book reflects his systematic, scientific approach for personality assessment. The average person isn't likely to have time to research a difficult boss or potential love interest, but the author supplements intuition with a useful cornerstone for gauging human behavior: a table of the "Big Five" personality traits, among them Extraversion vs. Introversion and Agreeableness vs. Antagonism. To learn how to apply the Big Five, Barondes supplies a link for a professional online personality test, in addition to a basic introduction of troubling personality patterns-e.g., narcissism and compulsiveness. While genetics may play a heavy hand in influencing personality, Barondes writes, it's awareness of a person's background, character and life story that is paramount in unearthing reasons for adult behavior. Readers might like to see the author weave more everyday examples into the text-his exercise in fostering compassion by imagining an adult as a 10-year-old child is a gem-but there is plenty here to ponder. Those looking for traditional "self-help" advice won't find it here, but this book clearly lays the groundwork for deeper human interaction and better life relationships.

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Making Sense of People 在線電子書 讀後感


网上人格心理学的东西很多,有什么九型人格、MBTI之类的,看着很玄乎。想知道正经的人格心理学是什么样的,所以整了一本《人格解码》看。 这本书只是对人格心理学的简单介绍,并不是很全面,想要全面了解估计以后得看大学教材。 本书的作者是塞缪尔•巴伦德斯美国加利福尼...  


就某些方面而言,每个人 (1)和所有人都一样 (2)和一些人一样 (3)和任何人都不一样 此书以这段话作为正文的开端,引出了人与人之间既存在共同点又存在着差异,开始了第一部分人格差异的讲解。在看此书前,我一直想要解决的问题是如何更好的认识身边的人,人这种错...







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