Social Economy 在線電子書 圖書標籤: 經濟社會學
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TABLE OF CONTENTSChapter 1: Eric Shragge and Jean-Marc FontanTendencies, Tensions and Visions in the Social EconomyChapter 2: Enzo MingioneMarket and Society: The Social Embeddedment of the EconomyChapter 3: Michele CangianiAbout the Possibility of Reversing the Process of Commodification: The Scope of the Non-profit EconomyChapter 4: Jack QuarterThe Social Economy and the Neo-Conservative AgendaChapter 5: Paul Leduc BrowneThe Neo-Liberal Uses of the Social Economy: Non-Profit Organizations and Workfare in OntarioChapter 6: Andrea LevyJobs, Work, and the Social EconomyChapter 7: Kathryn ChurchAlternative Economies: Building the Social from the EconomicChapter 8: BenoA(R)t LA(c)vesque and Bill NinacsThe Social Economy in Canada: The QuA(c)bec ExperienceChapter 9: Bill NinacsSocial Economy: A Practitioner's ViewpointChapter 10: Jean-Luc SouchetThe Mutual Insurance System in Loire-Atlantic: Ten Generations of Supportive InnovationsChapter 11: Louis FavreauGlobalization and the Social Economy: A North-South PerspectiveChapter 12: Michael ToyeSelected Resources on the Social EconomyNOTES ON CONTRIBUTORS Eric Shragge teaches social policy and community organization at the School of Social Work, McGill University. He is the editor of "Community Economic Development: In Search of Empowerment," (Black Rose Books, 1997) and "Workfare: Ideology for a New Underclass," (Garamond, 1997). He is able to escape from the university by working with grassroots community organizations. Jean-Marc Fontan has a PhD in sociology from the University of MontrA(c)al. He is a professor-researcher at the department of sociology of University of QuA(c)bec in MontrA(c)al. He works mainly on local development and community economic development. He co-published en 1994 an important book on local development in QuA(c)bec. He is member of the Collectif de recherche inter-universitaire sur les transformations et les rA(c)gulations A(c)conomiques et sociales (CRITERES). Enzo Mingione is Professor of rural and urban sociology at the University of Messina, Italy. Michele Cangiani teaches economic sociology at the UniversitA di Venezi
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