Sams Teach Yourself Node.js in 24 Hours 在线电子书 图书标签: Node.js Programming Design
Sams Teach Yourself Node.js in 24 Hours 在线电子书 pdf 下载 txt下载 epub 下载 mobi 下载 2025
George Ornbo是英国的一位JavaScript和Ruby开发人员。他开发Web应用程序已有8年时间,一开始是以自由职业者的身份工作,最近则为伦敦的pebble {code}工作。他的博客地址是,在网络中大多数常见的地方,他都以@shapeshed出现。
In just 24 sessions of one hour or less, Sams Teach Yourself Node.js in 24 Hours will help you master the Node.js platform and use it to build server-side applications with extraordinary speed and scalability. Using this text's straightforward, step-by-step approach, you'll move from basic installation, configuration, and programming all the way through real-time messaging between browser and server, testing and deployment. Every lesson and case-study application builds on what you've already learned, giving you a rock-solid foundation for real-world success! Step-by-step instructions carefully walk you through the most common Node.js development tasks. Quizzes and Exercises at the end of each chapter help you test your knowledge. By the Way notes present valuable additional information related to the discussion. Did You Know? tips offer advice or show you easier ways to perform tasks. Watch Out! cautions alert you to possible problems and give you advice on how to avoid them. Learn how to...* Create end-to-end applications entirely in JavaScript * Master essential Node.js concepts like callbacks and quickly create your first program * Create basic sites with the HTTP module and Express web framework * Manage data persistence with Node. js and MongoDB * Debug and test Node.js applications * Deploy Node.js applications to thirdparty services, such as Heroku and Nodester * Build powerful real-time solutions, from chat servers to Twitter clients * Create JSON APIs using JavaScript on the server * Use core components of the Node.js API, including processes, child processes, events, buffers, and streams * Create and publish a Node.js module
先在图书馆借的。但借期只有一礼拜,感觉此书很不错,于是买了。 之前读过《Node.js开发指南》,我了个天哪,代码版本太旧,调试那个微博网站的应用搞了我整整两天。。。程序员并不是天生爱折腾啊。 目前读完了前11章,建立了Tasks应用,感觉很好玩;初步了解了如何测试Node....
评分讲解比较细致,甚至稍显啰嗦,每部分讲解完,又把用过的代码重新罗列一遍,说好听的是方便照着step by step,说不好听就是凑字数。 有些内容有过时的地方,讲todos那个部分时用到了闪出消息,req.flash,照着敲了以后报错,上网查了下是express新版的已经不支持这个方法了,给还...
评分先在图书馆借的。但借期只有一礼拜,感觉此书很不错,于是买了。 之前读过《Node.js开发指南》,我了个天哪,代码版本太旧,调试那个微博网站的应用搞了我整整两天。。。程序员并不是天生爱折腾啊。 目前读完了前11章,建立了Tasks应用,感觉很好玩;初步了解了如何测试Node....
评分先在图书馆借的。但借期只有一礼拜,感觉此书很不错,于是买了。 之前读过《Node.js开发指南》,我了个天哪,代码版本太旧,调试那个微博网站的应用搞了我整整两天。。。程序员并不是天生爱折腾啊。 目前读完了前11章,建立了Tasks应用,感觉很好玩;初步了解了如何测试Node....
评分Part II: Basic Websites with Node.js —> 第2部分 使用node.js的基本网站 Part IV: Intermedlate Sites with Node.js —> 第4部分 使用node.js的中间站点 至于正文,已经没兴趣翻了吧……
Sams Teach Yourself Node.js in 24 Hours 在线电子书 pdf 下载 txt下载 epub 下载 mobi 下载 2025