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Computer Networking

James F. Kurose 作者
2012-3-5 出版日期
864 页数
USD 171.60 价格
9780132856201 图书编码

Computer Networking 在线电子书 图书标签: 计算机网络  计算机  networking  计算机科学  network  网络  computer  Networking   

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Computer Networking 在线电子书 用户评价


14-740学期结束就算读完吧 虽然final太糟糕


application layer那块讲得很好




拜一个 不错


读过的叙述最清晰的网络教材,NYU-poly 教授写的书,本来向上他的课网络课来着,结果我来了他却去了上海也是醉

Computer Networking 在线电子书 著者简介

Jim Kurose

Jim Kurose is a Distinguished University Professor of Computer Science at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst.

Dr. Kurose has received a number of recognitions for his educational activities including Outstanding Teacher Awards from the National Technological University (eight times), the University of Massachusetts, and the Northeast Association of Graduate Schools. He received the IEEE Taylor

Booth Education Medal and was recognized for his leadership of Massachusetts’ Commonwealth Information Technology Initiative. He has been the recipient of a GE Fellowship, an IBM Faculty Development Award, and a Lilly Teaching Fellowship.

Dr. Kurose is a former Editor-in-Chief of IEEE Transactions on Communications and of IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking. He has been active in the program committees for IEEE Infocom, ACM SIGCOMM, ACM Internet Measurement Conference, and ACM SIGMETRICS for a number of years and has served as Technical Program Co-Chair for those conferences. He is a Fellow of the IEEE and the ACM. His research interests include network protocols and architecture, network measurement, sensor networks, multimedia communication, and modeling and performance evaluation. He holds a PhD in Computer Science from Columbia University.

Keith RossKeith Ross

Keith Ross is the Leonard J. Shustek Chair Professor and Head of the Computer Science Department at Polytechnic Institute of NYU. Before joining NYU-Poly in 2003, he was a professor at the University of Pennsylvania (13 years) and a professor at Eurecom Institute (5 years). He received a B.S.E.E from Tufts University, a M.S.E.E. from Columbia University, and a Ph.D. in Computer and Control Engineering from The University of Michigan. Keith Ross is also the founder and original CEO of Wimba, which develops online multimedia applications for e-learning and was acquired by Blackboard in 2010.

Professor Ross’s research interests are in security and privacy, social networks, peer-to-peer networking, Internet measurement, video streaming, content distribution networks, and stochastic modeling. He is an IEEE Fellow, recipient of the Infocom 2009 Best Paper Award, and recipient of 2011 and 2008 Best Paper Awards for Multimedia Communications (awarded by IEEE Communications Society). He has served on numerous journal editorial boards and conference program committees, including IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, ACM SIGCOMM, ACM CoNext, and ACM Internet Measurement Conference. He also has served as an advisor to the Federal Trade Commission on P2P file sharing.

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Computer Networking 在线电子书 图书描述

Computer Networking continues with an early emphasis on application-layer paradigms and application programming interfaces (the top layer), encouraging a hands-on experience with protocols and networking concepts, before working down the protocol stack to more abstract layers.

This book has become the dominant book for this course because of the authors’ reputations, the precision of explanation, the quality of the art program, and the value of their own supplements.

Visit the authors’ blog for information and resources to discuss the newest edition, as well as valuable insights, teaching tips, and discussion about the field of Computer Networking

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Computer Networking 在线电子书 读后感


不愧为自顶向下方法。 读完应用层去看运输层,觉得概念都清晰了很多。本书最大特色就是通过抽象,从简单到复杂的方法来介绍网络的相关概念。内容有作者推荐的各种RFC和相关文献,如果想要深入研究需要很认真阅读。 经典内容为第一到四章,4.5开始介绍了一些路由选择算法,从...  


第二次读完这本书,希望不要去读第三边了,再读一边意味着DQE挂了。 这本书已经有第五版了,所以这本第四版的寿命就是这样短短两年,当然对于网络,两年并不是一个特别短的时间。 我没有读过AST的Computer Networks,据说AST的那本书更全面,而Top-Down更适合入门。我自己觉...  


这本书的英文原版是很好的,但第6版翻译极差, 全程我都是对照英文原版看的,有些地方翻译可以说已经到了误人子弟的程度,翻译和原话逻辑完全不同,基本的术语也都翻译得让人十分迷惑,比如 “packet-switch” 作者翻译为 “分组交换 ”、“message” 作者 翻译为“报文” , 可...  


翻译蛋疼,p152 “接收窗口按向前移动分组的编号向上交付这些分组”,英文是"The receive window is then moved forward by the number of packets delivered to the upper layer."明显意思是:接收窗口然后按照交付给上层的分组数目向前移动。 建议哪里读了觉得怪怪的去对照英...  


第6版配套学习资源: 英文第7版已经出版,更新内容详见:  

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