Lesson l
Text: A Surrealist Artist--Salvador Dali
DlalOgUe: Introduction
Grammar: Article
Supplementary Reading: A Curriculum Vitae
Lesson 2
Text: The Statue of Liberty
Dialogue: Greetings
Grammar: Noun
Supplementary Readlng: New York
Lesson 3
Text: Lincoln's Autobiography
DlalOgUe: Making a Phone Call
Grammar: Determiner
Supplementary Reading: The American Way
Lesson 4
Text: The Good Old Days
DIalOgue: Invitations
Grammar: Adjective and Adverb
Supplementary Readlng: Shooting a Film
Lesson 5
Text: Group of Seven Canadian Painters
DlalOgue: Asking Ways
Grarmmar: The Simple Present and the Simple Past
Supplementary Readlng: 1. Emily Carr
11. What an Artist
Lesson 6
Text: Brief History of Dance
DIalOgUe: Talking about Weather
Orammar: The Present Continuous and the Past
Supplementary Reading: Jazz
Lesson 7
Text: Appearance
DlalOgue: Shopping
Orammar: The Simple Future and Modal Verbs
Supplementary Readlng: Preparation for an
Lesson 8
Text: Wedding Attire
D 1 a 1 Ogue: Talking about Time
Grammar: The Present Perfect and the Past Perfect
Supplementary Readlng: A Chinese Artist-
Fu Baoshi
Lesson 9
Text: Mind Your Manners
D 1 a 1 Ogue: Crowded Roads
Orarmmar: The Present Perfect Continuous, the
Future Perfect and the Past Perfect
Supplementary Readlng: The History of
Lesson 10
Text: Brooklyn Bridge is Saying
DIalOgue: In a Restaurant
Gramrnar: The Passive Voice
Supplementary Readlng: Brooklyn Bridge is
Saying (continued)
Lesson ll
Text: Art World Mourns Picasso
DlalOgue: Travelling by Air
Gramnnar: Clauses with Anticipatory it
Supplementary Readlng: 1 Chinese Acrobats
of Brilliant Charm
11. A Champion is
Lesson 12
Text: Interior Design
DlalOgue: SeeingaDoctor
Grarnmar: The Subjunctive Mood
Supplementary Readlng: Christmas in Africa
Test Paper 1
Lesson 13
Text: Defining Advertising
D 1 a 10 g ue: Rent an Apartment
Grammar: The Infinitive
Supplementary Readlng: Benjamin Franklin
and Advertising
Lesson 14
Text: A Young Artist
DlalOgue: At theBankof the U.S
Grammar: The Past Participle
Supplementary Readlng: The Story of a
Ballet Dancer
Lesson 15
Text: A Way to Success
D 1 a 1 Ogue: Making an Appointment
Grammar: Attributive Clauses and Appositive
Supplementary Readlng: Origins of English
Lesson 16
Text: Leonardo Da Vinci
Dialogue: At the Library
mar: The Gerund and the Present Participle
Supplementary Readlng: London Art Galleries
Lesson 17
Text: The Story of an Acrobat
DlalOgue: Food and Meals
Grammar: The Concord
Supplementary Readlng: TheStoryof
Lesson 18
Text: Mendelssohn
DialOgue: An Expensive Holiday
Grammar: Noun Clauses
Supplementary Readlng: Ludwig van
Lesson 19
Text: The Star System
Dialogue: Looking for Jobs
Grammar: Adverbial Clauses of Time and
Adverbial Clauses of Place
Supplementary Readlng: The Beginning of
Lesson 20
Text: A Talk about Dance
Dl a 1 Ogue: Hosting a Dinner
Grammar: Adverbial Clauses of Condition and
Adverbial Clauses of Concession
Supplementary Reading: An Interview with
an Actor
Lesson 21
Text: Body Language
DlalOgUe: At the Customs
Gramrnar: Adverbial Clauses of Cause, Adverbial
Clauses of Result and Adverbial Clauses
of Purpose
Supplementary Readlng: Phone Answering
Lesson 22
Text: Fashion--the Mirror of the Times
DIalOgue: Booking Airline Ticket
Grammar: Adverbial Clauses of Manner and
Adverbial Clauses of Comparison
Supplementary Readlng: King of the High
Lesson 23
Text: Computers and the Art
DIalOgue: Parting
Grammar: The Inversion
Supplementary Reading: What is a Computer
Lesson 24
Text: The Olympic Games
DIalOgUe: At the Post Office
Grammar: The Prepositions
Supplementary Readlng: A Gold Medal Winner
Test Paper11
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