Why Red Doesn't Sound Like a Bell 在線電子書 pdf 下載 txt下載 epub 下載 mobi 下載 2025

Why Red Doesn't Sound Like a Bell

J. Kevin O'Regan 作者
Oxford University Press
2011-6-24 出版日期
224 頁數
USD 38.95 價格
9780199775224 圖書編碼

Why Red Doesn't Sound Like a Bell 在線電子書 圖書標籤: 認知科學哲學  大腦  感覺  心理學  哲學  theory  neuroscience  O'Regan   

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日語裏有個錶達叫「舐めるように見る」,一般形容男人色眯眯看女人,類似於“目光貪婪掃過每一寸肌膚”的感覺。看來這個不再是修辭錶達瞭——用enactive approach來理解知覺是前途無量的!雖然我並不是很同意他講述自我的那部分,太淺瞭。


日語裏有個錶達叫「舐めるように見る」,一般形容男人色眯眯看女人,類似於“目光貪婪掃過每一寸肌膚”的感覺。看來這個不再是修辭錶達瞭——用enactive approach來理解知覺是前途無量的!雖然我並不是很同意他講述自我的那部分,太淺瞭。


日語裏有個錶達叫「舐めるように見る」,一般形容男人色眯眯看女人,類似於“目光貪婪掃過每一寸肌膚”的感覺。看來這個不再是修辭錶達瞭——用enactive approach來理解知覺是前途無量的!雖然我並不是很同意他講述自我的那部分,太淺瞭。


日語裏有個錶達叫「舐めるように見る」,一般形容男人色眯眯看女人,類似於“目光貪婪掃過每一寸肌膚”的感覺。看來這個不再是修辭錶達瞭——用enactive approach來理解知覺是前途無量的!雖然我並不是很同意他講述自我的那部分,太淺瞭。


日語裏有個錶達叫「舐めるように見る」,一般形容男人色眯眯看女人,類似於“目光貪婪掃過每一寸肌膚”的感覺。看來這個不再是修辭錶達瞭——用enactive approach來理解知覺是前途無量的!雖然我並不是很同意他講述自我的那部分,太淺瞭。

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Why Red Doesn't Sound Like a Bell 在線電子書 著者簡介

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Why Red Doesn't Sound Like a Bell 在線電子書 圖書描述

This book proposes a novel view to explain how we as humans -- contrary to current robots -- can have the impression of consciously feeling things: for example the red of a sunset, the smell of a rose, the sound of a symphony, or a pain. The book starts off by looking at visual perception. Our ability to see turns out to be much more mysterious than one might think. The eye contains many defects which should seriously interfere with vision. Yet we have the impression of seeing the world in glorious panavision and technicolor. Explaining how this can be the case leads to a new idea about what seeing really is. Seeing is not passively receiving information in the brain, but rather a way of interacting with the world. The role of the brain is not to create visual sensation, but to enable the necessary interactions with the world. This new approach to seeing is extended in the second part of the book to encompass the other senses: hearing, touch, taste and smell. Taking sensory experiences to be modes of interacting with the world explains why these experiences are different in the way they are. It also explains why thoughts or automatic functions in the body, and indeed the vast majority brain functions, are not accompanied by any real feeling. The "sensorimotor" approach is not simply a philosophical argument: It leads to scientifically verifiable predictions and new research directions. Among these are the phenomena of change blindness, sensory substitution, "looked but failed to see", as well as results on color naming and color perception and the localisation of touch on the body. The approach is relevant to the question of what animals and babies can feel, and to understanding what will be necessary for robots to become conscious.

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