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Out of Africa

Isak Dinesen 作者
Modern Library
1992-9-5 出版日期
416 頁數
USD 22.00 價格
Modern Library 叢書系列
9780679600213 圖書編碼

Out of Africa 在線電子書 圖書標籤: 英文原著  Africa  迴憶錄  外國經典  英原文書  文學  外國文學  隨筆   

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Out of Africa 在線電子書 用戶評價


book found because of movie, loved book too, though it is diffrent




The love of woman and womanliness is a masculine characteristic,and the love of man and manliness is a feminine characteristic


this is just a maaaaarvelous book! never read one just as good. decide to read it all over again!


The love of woman and womanliness is a masculine characteristic,and the love of man and manliness is a feminine characteristic

Out of Africa 在線電子書 著者簡介

Karen Christence Dinesen, Baroness Blixen-Finecke - wrote as Isak Dinesen, Pierre Andrézel, Tania Blixen, Osceola, etc.

A Danish writer, who mixed in her work supernatural elements, aestheticism, and erotic undertones with an aristocratic view of life, Blixen always emphasized that she was a storyteller in the traditional, oral sense of the word. She drew her inspiration from the Bible, the Arabian Nights, the works of Homer, the Icelandic Sagas, and the fairy tales of Hans Christian Andersen, who was her great fellow countryman. She wrote in English and in Danish.

Out of Africa 在線電子書 著者簡介

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Out of Africa 在線電子書 圖書描述

In this book, the author of Seven Gothic Tales gives a true account of her life on her plantation in Kenya. She tells with classic simplicity of the ways of the country and the natives: of the beauty of the Ngong Hills and coffee trees in blossom: of her guests, from the Prince of Wales to Knudsen, the old charcoal burner, who visited her: of primitive festivals: of big game that were her near neighbors--lions, rhinos, elephants, zebras, buffaloes--and of Lulu, the little gazelle who came to live with her, unbelievably ladylike and beautiful.

The Random House colophon made its debut in February 1927 on the cover of a little pamphlet called "Announcement Number One." Bennett Cerf and Donald Klopfer, the company's founders, had acquired the Modern Library from publishers Boni and Liveright two years earlier. One day, their friend the illustrator Rockwell Kent stopped by their office. Cerf later recalled, "Rockwell was sitting at my desk facing Donald, and we were talking about doing a few books on the side, when suddenly I got an inspiration and said, 'I've got the name for our publishing house. We just said we were go-ing to publish a few books on the side at random. Let's call it Random House.' Donald liked the idea, and Rockwell Kent said, 'That's a great name. I'll draw your trademark.' So, sitting at my desk, he took a piece of paper and in five minutes drew Random House, which has been our colophon ever since." Throughout the years, the mission of Random House has remained consistent: to publish books of the highest quality, at random. We are proud to continue this tradition today.

This edition is set from the first American edition of 1937 and commemorates the seventy-fifth anniversary of Random House.

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Out of Africa 在線電子書 讀後感


我在新东方的大愚书店看到这本书,和很多的考试辅导书放在一起。我只是不经意间拿起,翻了几下就去买了。走出非洲,非洲怎么会不吸引我呢? 那时候还在杭外,拿着这本书去学校纯粹为了装B,在教室里那么嘈杂的地方凭着自己几乎没有的单词量一页一页翻过去,我是看不懂的,却只...  


文/张定浩 在电影《走出非洲》的开头,年迈的卡伦坐在丹麦尤斯特兹城老房子的打字机前,写她的故事。她说:“我已经写了所有其他人,并非我不够爱他们,而是他们较清楚,较...  




文/张定浩 在电影《走出非洲》的开头,年迈的卡伦坐在丹麦尤斯特兹城老房子的打字机前,写她的故事。她说:“我已经写了所有其他人,并非我不够爱他们,而是他们较清楚,较...  


用了12天的时间读毕走出非洲,虽然多是用零星的时间拼凑起来,却感觉从那一句''I had a farm in Africa''开始,就深深沉浸在这本书的氛围里,一气呵成。这12天,其中有8天在苏格兰度过。虽然苏格兰和非洲很不同,却有非常惊人的相似的气质,觉得真是读这本书的合适的地方。读到...  

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