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Nutrition: Concepts and Controversies

Frances Sizer 作者
2011-12 出版日期
848 页数
USD 224.11 价格
9781133628187 图书编码

Nutrition: Concepts and Controversies 在线电子书 图书标签: 营养学  教材  课本及参考  科学和心理学  生物  个人管理   

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Nutrition: Concepts and Controversies 在线电子书 著者简介

Frances Sizer

Frances Sizer, M.S., RD, FADA, is certified as a charter Fellow of the American Dietetic Association. She is also a founding member and vice president of Nutrition and Health Associates, a Florida-based information and resource center that maintains an online bibliographic database tracking system that conducts research in more than 1,000 topic areas of nutrition. In addition to the best-selling NUTRITION: CONCEPTS AND CONTROVERSIES, Sizer was a primary author of the first ever instructional and animated NUTRITION INTERACTIVE CD-ROM (Cengage Wadsworth). Her previous publications include NUTRITION CLINICS, a monograph series for health professionals, and the college text THE FITNESS TRIAD: MOTIVATION, TRAINING, AND NUTRITION. In addition to writing, enjoying her family, and schooling her horse in dressage, Sizer is also an active board member of ECHO, a local hunger and homelessness relief organization in her community. Sizer received her B.S. and M.S. in nutrition from Florida State University.

Ellie Whitney

Ellie Whitney, Ph.D. grew up in New York City and received her BA and PhD degrees in English and Biology at Harvard and Washington Universities. She taught at both Florida State University and Florida A&M University, wrote newspaper columns on environmental matters for the TALLAHASSEE DEMOCRAT, and coauthored almost a dozen college textbooks on nutrition, health, and related topics, many of which repeatedly reappear as new editions. She spen three decades exploring outdoor Florida and studying its ecology, and then cowrote PRICELESS FLORIDA: NATURAL ECOSYSTEMS AND NATIVE SPECIES (Pineapple Press, 2004). Now retired, and more concerned about climate change than any other issue, she volunteers full-time for the nonpartisan national nonprofit Citizens Climate Lobby.

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Nutrition: Concepts and Controversies 在线电子书 图书描述

Ideal for both non-majors and mixed-majors, NUTRITION: CONCEPTS AND CONTROVERSIES provides practical applications and accessible explanations to dispel common misconceptions about nutrition and empower readers to make lasting behavior changes.

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