The Doors of Perception and Heaven and Hell (Perennial Classics) 在线电子书 图书标签: Aldous.Huxley LSD 神秘主義 Drug 藥物 社会学 感官 语言/符号/认知
The Doors of Perception and Heaven and Hell (Perennial Classics) 在线电子书 pdf 下载 txt下载 epub 下载 mobi 下载 2024
评分与其说是神经化学神秘主义集大成,更像是赫胥黎的个人艺术鉴赏心得。以前一直看不起一边抽大麻一边谈论宇宙生命的嬉皮士,赫胥黎的书让我改观了。 神秘主义离“究竟”差十万八千里,但是的确是众妙之门(doorway),门槛都踏不进去的确有点可悲。
评分Huxley and Black Sabbath,想读想读想读
阿道斯·赫胥黎,英国文豪,著名的赫胥黎家族最杰出的成员之一,从小受到良好教育,先后毕业于伊顿公学和牛津大学。赫胥黎一生中创作了大量优秀作品,其中最著名有长篇小说《美丽新世界》(Brave New World)、社会学论著《重返美丽新世界》(Brave New World Revisited)、纪实文学《卢丹的恶魔》(The Devils of Loudun)以及本作《知觉之门》(The Doors of Perception)。他对人类面临的社会问题有着常人望尘莫及的洞察力,因此使其成为二十世纪英国最杰出的公共知识分子之一。他作品中的诸多预言在今时今日看来竟已多数成真。
Two classic complete books -- The Doors of Perception (originally published in 1954) and Heaven and Hell (originally published in 1956) -- in which Aldous Huxley, author of the bestselling Brave New World, explores, as only he can, the mind's remote frontiers and the unmapped areas of human consciousness. These two astounding essays are among the most profound studies of the effects of mind-expanding drugs written in the twentieth century. These two books became essential for the counterculture during the 1960s and influenced a generation's perception of life.</p>
Alan P. Merriam and Warren L. D’Azevedo’s article detailed the cultural background of Washo peyote songs, particularly on the relationship between music and spiritual potency. An account of song types, characteristics and the musicology of these songs are...
评分看得是繁体竖版,内容和预料中差不多。其中那段实验后去翻看书店,看那些画作的感受,我这有个近似版本: 1990年出生,初中读庄子,就有特别喜爱之处,书常伴左右,精神正常(至少20多年没有精神疾病和遗传史。)偶然情况下误入众妙之门,有这种经历之前,并没有看过此书。 ...
The Doors of Perception and Heaven and Hell (Perennial Classics) 在线电子书 pdf 下载 txt下载 epub 下载 mobi 下载 2024