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The Second Coming of Steve Jobs

Alan Deutschman 作者
Crown Business
2001-9-11 出版日期
352 頁數
USD 19.00 價格
9780767904339 圖書編碼

The Second Coming of Steve Jobs 在線電子書 圖書標籤: 傳記  SteveJobs  Apple  奶爸推薦優質社科書籍  Mac  英文原版  管理  商業   



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The Second Coming of Steve Jobs 在線電子書 用戶評價


成書時apple還沒有進入全盛時期(before iPod),導緻這本書的視角格外的客觀。


雖然有點囉嗦但實在好好笑。各種八卦。 對比看正兒八經的傳記或者官宣就更加好笑. 美劇矽榖裏很多內涵段子都能找到.


成書時apple還沒有進入全盛時期(before iPod),導緻這本書的視角格外的客觀。


the 28th ever read,


A fun and easy read.

The Second Coming of Steve Jobs 在線電子書 著者簡介

The Second Coming of Steve Jobs 在線電子書 著者簡介

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The Second Coming of Steve Jobs 在線電子書 圖書描述


When Steve Jobs became the acting CEO of Apple Computers, it was hemorrhaging more than a billion dollars a year. His return after twelve years of exile to the company he cofounded completely revitalized Apple. With the revolutionary success of the iMac, it turned a profit of more than six hundred million dollars - one of the biggest turnarounds in business history. Based on interviews with scores of people - rivals, colleagues, friends - who have worked with Jobs over the years, The Second Coming of Steve Jobs presents the most revealing portrait yet of this extraordinarily complex man - How and why he almost gave up on his career; the details of his negotiations with Disney's Jeffrey Katzenberg and Michael Eisner, and the culture clash between Silicon Valley and Hollywood; his methods of leadership, management, creativity and innovation; his friendship and rivalry with Bill Gates - and much more. Now, as Jobs prepares to conquer Hollywood with his enormously successful animation film studio, Pixar, Alan Deutschman brings readers one of the most talked-about business biographies of modern times.

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The Second Coming of Steve Jobs 在線電子書 讀後感


It is so much fun to read. I recommend this book to every Steve Jobs fan, you won't regret it. It took me five consecutive hours to finish half of this 350-page book and another four the other. It was probably the most joyful reading experience I had ever h...


It is so much fun to read. I recommend this book to every Steve Jobs fan, you won't regret it. It took me five consecutive hours to finish half of this 350-page book and another four the other. It was probably the most joyful reading experience I had ever h...


It is so much fun to read. I recommend this book to every Steve Jobs fan, you won't regret it. It took me five consecutive hours to finish half of this 350-page book and another four the other. It was probably the most joyful reading experience I had ever h...


It is so much fun to read. I recommend this book to every Steve Jobs fan, you won't regret it. It took me five consecutive hours to finish half of this 350-page book and another four the other. It was probably the most joyful reading experience I had ever h...


It is so much fun to read. I recommend this book to every Steve Jobs fan, you won't regret it. It took me five consecutive hours to finish half of this 350-page book and another four the other. It was probably the most joyful reading experience I had ever h...

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